Chapter 9

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~1 month later~

Shiquena's P.O.V

It's been allready a month. A month with tears and planning for the war that we announced. So far we've only lost Arzaylea. After her death Luke and I have changed our looks and personality. Luke now has facial hair not a quif ,broader ,more muscles and more aggresive and protective over me. For me I've become very protective over everyone in this house and when we hunt I will attack inmediatly when I see a human. I even killed a vampire only because he looked at me. I don't trust anyone anymore except the people I live with. Durring the month Liam's girlfriend came and said that she was going to help us. I still don't trust her trust me everytime when I see her I shoot her a deathsglare or a warning. If she touches someone wrong I'm attacking her. She ones accidentally hurt Calum and trust me there was blood. I attacked her and punched her until she was unconcious. Only Luke and Calum were able to get me off of her. We were currently in the kitchen around the Island coming up with a plan but no one could think of anything. I closed my silver eyes and leaned my head on Calum's shoulder as he kissed the top of my head.

''Okay so all we got now is that we should split up and search for them and then take them out one by one''. Michael said looking at everyone in the room.

''Sweety how much as I love you but that's never going to work.'' Sophie said leaning her hand against the Island counter.

''Well does anyone have a better idea''? he asked looking at everyone in the room.

''Well what if we first put these two clans together so we are stronger''? Lylah said holding Liam's hand. I gave her a growel as my eyes started turning a little bit red. Everything this girl does pisses me off. Something in me tells me she's bad news.

''Shiquena calm down and baby that's a good idea but we allready did that''. Liam said chuckling at her. She blushed I just simply rolled my eyes what's so funny about what she said she hella stupid!

''Guys I think I have a idea''Gemma said letting go of Justin, oh yeah I forgot to say that durring this month Gemma discoverd that Justin is her mate. Cute isn't it # JEMMA AF!

''What's up Gems'' Harry asked her looking at his sister with hope in his eyes.

''Well what if Shiquena and Calum go outside and pretend to break up. We will take her to the city and rent a appartment for her. While she's staying there a little group of us go and search for the Heads of all the Clans and kill them''. She said.

''Couldn't you come up with this before?!'' Michael asked her in disbelieve.

''Sorry I just came up with it.'' She said shrugging and blushing a bit.

I ran my hand through my blue hair. I dyed it if you're wondering.

''Gemma how good as it sounds they will find it out that Calum and I didn't really broke up and then we're even more fucked then we allready are.'' I told her. Everyone started sighing realising what I was said is true. It was silent for a moment until gunshots were fiered onto my brother's chest. It all happend in slowmotion. The shots his body blood exscaping him falling onto the ground. I rushed over to him Calum screaming my name telling me to stay down but I didn't listen my brother needed me. I bend down and placed his head in my lap. The shots stopped and Gemma looked up and saw my brother. She screamed and soon everyone was gatherd around us. I started sobbing pressing onto the wounds as my eyes turned into silver with black.

''JUSTIN YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME I NEED YOU I WANT YOU TO STAY WITH ME YOU CAN'T LEAVE!''I screamed while sobbing and pressing onto his wounds trying to stop the bleeding, Gemma held his hands and tried to heal him with her healing power like Harry has. Tears streaming down evryones faces.

''IT'S NOT WORKING HE WON'T STOP BLEEDING IT'S TO MUCH BLOOD DON'T LEAVE ME JUSTIN I NEED YOU I LOVE YOU I'M I'M I'M PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD JUSTIN YOU CAN'T LEAVE US!'' When Gemma said that we all looked at her with shock. Justin raised his hand and gently placed it onto Gemma's face his eyes sligthly open.

''I know you're p-pregnant my L-love but don't w-worry I'll b-be watching you both''

''NO NO NO DON'T YOU DARE TO SAY THAT JUSTIN YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME'' She screamed holding onto him for dear life. I hugged him against my body sobbing into his shoulder not letting him go this might be the last time I'll ever be holding my brother again.

''S-Shiquena I did w-what I promised mom and dad I-I protected you and I loved doing it. Don't forget that I will always love you. A-All of you. And Shiquena you now have C-Calum It's My time t-to go Goodbye Sissie I Love A-And I'll M-miss You*lastbreath*'' That's it. His eyes were closed. He breathed his last breath on this planet. I hugged him one last time kissing the top of his head whispering I love you too big bro and let him go. Gemma lunged her body on his lifeless body and started sobbing. I looked up and saw one of the heads of all the Clans flying away with a gun in his hand. I was beyond pissed. My eyes were silver but with flames in it, my hair were in flames just like my whole body. 

''YOU KILLED MY BROTHER YOU BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU''! I superspeeded after him faster then normal, he turned around and looked suprised when he saw me right after him. Venom dripping from my fangs, my fangs longer then normal. I was so close that if I jumped onto him I could kill him., so I did I jumped on him causing him to fall onto the ground. He tried getting me off of him but I was stronger my anger has gotten the best of me so there was no way I was gonna let him go. He bit my arm, I laughed like a maniac would. 

''So you think you can kill my brother huh? Well you thought wrong Bye Bye now EX-Clan member'' and with that I took out my knife and started stabbing him repediatly in the chest. When I thought I stabbed him enough I started punching him in the face as hard as possible. With every punch you could hear a bone crack in his face. I took my knife again and stabbed him in the face, I didn't feel any mercy for him. After 3 minutes I felt being dragged off of the man probally by Calum, when I was standing I picked th gun off of the ground with leaves. I knew that there were bullets in it. I went trhough me knees and picked the man up by the hair and held the gun against his temple.

''So you used poison bullets didn't you? to kill my brother? *chuckles* funny cause I got some poison bullets here in this little handy dandy gun of yours and hey guess what I'm gonna use it. Say goodbye and see you in hell bitch'' I said pulling his face close to mine. I shot him straight threw the head. he fell on the ground, I got up and contiued shooting screaming this is for my brother and Arzaylea! I've probally shot him 15 times until Luke took the gun out my hands and Calum wrapped me into his arms. I first started sobbing like crazy and felt Luke joining the hug, I soon started laughing histariclly. My eyes were probally now gree with fire in them. My hair was with flames ,flames around my body as Calum and Luke took a step back.

''HAHAHAH YOU MOTHERFUCKERS THINK YOU CAN EASILY GET AWAY WITH KILLING ONE OF MY PEOPLE WELL YA WON'T CAUSE I'LL KILL YOU ALL ONE BY ONE COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE AND GET YOUR LITTLE DEAD BODY!'' I screamed in anger. Calum used his mind power and talked to me telling me to calm down and to go home with them. I calmed down but I was still pissed as hell cause my eyes were silver but still with flames in them same for my hair. When we reached the house I could see everyone looking up at me.

''They won't go down without a fight and so won't we they took Arzaylea and next my brother. Who are they gonna take next huh?'' I sighed sitting down on the livingroom couch. Calum sat next to me wrapping his arm around me

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