Chapter 16

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Calum P.O.V


''Daddy catch me hihihihi'' my daughter Jessica started giggeling while swinging on the swingset in our backyard, I chuckled and looked  behind me to see my beautiful wife Shiquena playing with our one year old son Thomas.

''Come on babygirl daddy will catch you don't worry'' with that Jessica jumped off the swing into my arms, I catched my beautiful babygirl and spinned around in circles with her giggeling in my arms. Shiquena walked to us with our son in her hands, She pecked me on the lips and looked deeply into my eyes.

''Calum baby?''


''wake up'' she said cocking her head a bit to the side.


''CALUM WAKE UP!'' She screamed in my face but she it wasn't her beautiful Angelic voice, it sounded more like Sophie screaming.



*End of dream*

My eyes popped open as I saw Sophie shaking me awake, she looked at me with tears streaming down her face and I knew something was wrong.

''Sophie what's wrong?'' I asked her standing up but carefully since we're still standing in a tree.

''Calum the Heads of all the Clans they--HMP!'' Just as she was about to finish she was tackled to teh ground by one of the Heads of the Clans with his hand placed on her mouth, I rushed down the tree to catch Sophie. When I was on the ground I saw everyone fighting agains the Heads of all the Clans, I was soon tackled to the ground. I wrestled with who ever that was on top of me, I reached for my boot to grab my knife and stabbed the person in the back with the poisson knife. The person screamed and died inmediatly, I got up and saw Michael being held back by one of the Heads of the Clans reaching for Sophie who was thrown over the other's shoulder. Luke, Zayn and Liam were all passed out onto the ground with blood around them, when I was about to help Michael somebody pulled me back and wrapped a cloth around my mouth. Everything started becoming blurry as I saw the other man putting a cloth onto michael's mouth aswell, I felt dizzy and fell onto the ground the last thing I saw was Lylah standing above me smirking down at me.

Calum P.O.V

I opend my eyes and looked around me, I felt a rope tied above my head I looked up and saw that my hands were tied together to the ceiling. I looked around me and saw the others here to aswell.

''Michael,Luke,Zayn,Liam,Sophie wake up guys! WAKE UP!'' I screamed waking them all up, Sophie looked up and started looking for Michael as he did the same. When their eyes landed on each other the instantly calmed down.

''Well this is just great I now got the whole gang here it's to bad that you're all gonna die but what's ever worse, Calum you're girlfrend will be watching you ALL get killed'' Jacob said smirking in the corner of the room. A light in the middle of the room went on as I saw my beautiful mate tied up to the ceiling with cuts and stabwounds over her whole body, She opend her eyes and when her eyes coneccted with mine she started fighting and crying my name as I did the same.

''Aaawwe isn't this cute two love birds seeing each other for the verry last time in their lives well I'll give you all a little time to say goodbye to each other'' and with that he left the room locking it behind him.

''So this is it we're gonna die'' Luke said with tears rolling down his face.

''Not quit yet guys'' Sophie pulled herself up and took a knife out from her bra, she cut her rope and cut the others after that. After I was free I took out my knife from my ankle boot and cut Shiquena's rope, after I cut the rope she fell into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her holding her for dear life as she did the same to me, She pulled away and kissed me passionatly on the lips.

''I'm glad you guys are okay but we have to get out of this place Jacob and Lylah are going to kill us'' She said.

Shiquena P.O.V

After I said that Sophie lunged on to me hugging me for dear life, soon the rest of the group followed. We broke the hug after a couple of seconds.

''Love as how moch I'd love to get out of this place there's now way that we're gonna get out'' Zayn said looking at me with a tear rolling down his cheek, I kissed his tear away making him smile

''You may be right Zayn we can't get out of this place but we can fight our selfs out.'' I said earning some confused looks, I explained to them that Jacob left a table with weapons somewhere in the room which he tortured me with if we find it we hide it in reachingplaces and fight them both when they come back into the room. They all nodded in agreement and started searching for the table, I was searching until Calum wrapped his arms around me and gave me a long lasting passionate kiss. He rested his head against mine with tears in his eyes.

''I missed you so much I thought I was gonna die without you but here you are. Every time I kept thinking about you about your smile, your walk, your nose, your eyes your everything just please never leave me again baby'' He told me with tears rolling down his face, I gave him a passionate kiss on the lips and told him I would NEVER leave his side EVER again. We continued searching until I rememberd that I have a poisson dagger in my boot, the doorknob juggled as it opend revealing a happy Lylah and Jacob until they saw us. Lylah let go of Jacob's hand and lunged forward onto Liam fake sobbing, before he pushed her off of him she stabbed him with a wooden dagger in the stomach.  Sophie tried to make her way to him but another Heads of all the Clans tackled her to ground, Michael tried helping but soon he as everyone else in the room were tackled to the ground except me. Jacob ran out of the room with me closely following behind him, he ran to the rooftop of this building or whatever it is.

''Well well well I guess I get to kill you by myself after all'' He said showing his lighting power trying to scare me, my hair and eyes started to flame until my whole body was on fire.

''I don't think that you'll be killing me Jacob'' I said making a fire ball with my hand and aiming it at him, he threw a lighting ball at me hitting me in the arm. I stumbled back a little but I wasn't gonna go down without a fight.

And This Meant Life Or Death

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