Chapter 2

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Laila's POV

After a couple days in the cell I've come to a new respect for ancient Egypt. I mean I still hate Tut and honestly  can't stand being here but, it is what it is right?

I've come to know a few people being down here.

The first is the day gaurd whose name is Kames. He was really nice and from what I've learned one of Tut's best fighters.

The next two people who I guess are my friends here are Kanr-ra and Kan-ta they're twins and they take turns bringing me food which honestly doesn't taste that bad.

The last person I met is this slave girl named Meri. I feel sad for her having to live her life serving a Pharaoh who conquered her homelands. But she was real nice and even took time to ask if I was okay and what not.

"Isis" Meri said quietly "I think you should reconsider the Pharaoh's demand you'll die in here if you don't"

I looked shocked not expecting this at all. "Meri I don't love can someone marry someone they don't feel any emotion for?" I asked softly

She wouldn't look at me "Perhaps you'll grow to love him. Pharaoh cares for you...that is the greatest love of all of these lands...He won't wait much longer Isis he sent me down to tell you that he'll be here at sun down for your answer"

I bit my lip nodding and didn't look up at her when she left. I had less then a couple of hours to decide if I wanted to marry him. A man I barely knew. A man who wanted all of me for no clear reason at all.


Hours passed and before I knew it Tut was in my cell waiting for my answer. Did I really want to spend my life in a cell? Or did I want to spend my life with him?  

He looked at me impaitently


He said his voice bouncing off the walls making me shiver. I look up at him and reply

"Yes...I'll...I'll marry you" I say shivering. It was like I could feel my last bit of independence flutter away as he smirked as if he knew my answer before I knew my answer. 

He ordered Kames who was just about to leave to get some female servants to bathe and dress me before leaving himself to go see to his court.

When Kames came back he came with four ladies who all seemed a bit older than me in plain white dresses. The Ladies escorted me to huge room with a square bath in the middle of the floor. Which I assume makes it the bathing room.

They undressed me from my dress that was stained with brown from the floor and ushered me into the tub. 

The chubbier one began to wash my hair with herbs and something that smelt kind of like Jasmine. The shorter one got a bucket of water and dumped it on my head washing out anything that the chubbier one had put in it. 

 The other three took up washing my body making sure to clean under everything. When the bath was over they wrapped me in a cotton clothe I suppose it was sort of like a towel and dried me off. Than they dressed my in a short silk dress and combed my hair. When they were finished dressing me they took me down the hall to a room. 

The room was highly decorated. Silks hung from the ceiling covering what I supposed was my bed. Around my bed was steps with hieroglyphics that depicted something I didn't understand. When I turned around to face the ladies who helped me they bowed and the chubbier one began to talk

"My Lady Isis this is your pre-marital bed. Though at first you may not share it with our Lord there is a high chance you may or may not never be in here this is your room. The bed made of the best ivory was carved not to long ago so you shall sleep well. Also if you ever need to prey to the sun god Ra or maybe even the earth god Geb you can kneel over your bed and pray to the cravings.

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