Chapter 5

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Isis Pov:

I ran so fast down the hall trying to find an exit and when I did I quickly ran out. My bare feet hit the hot sun and I hissed in pain slowing down a bit. I kept running not knowing is he was behind me or not.

When I finally did stop he was no where to be foundand I was lost. My mouth was dry and my sweat seemed even hotter. I wanted to cry in  despair but even crying took too much. My feet dragged on the hot sand as I walked slowly.

I turned my head back and forth and I saw water precious water. I began to run for it but, than I fell. I began to cry shouting how unfair it was that I couldn't reach the water before passing out.


I opened my eyes. Was I dead? 

My eyes scanned the ceiling and my hands began to touch the surface I lay on. It was soft and probably cotton. Turning my head to the side I noticed a little boy watching me curiously.

"Hello" He said softly "My name's Shai and are you okay? I had to drag you here on a mat cause you're too heavey for me to carry." 

I nodded and croaked out a thank you and than softly touching my throat. It was dryer than the desert. He seemed to understand and left the room for a second and brought back a bowl full of water.

I smiled and gulped it down. "Thanks...Shai." I said tilting my head to the side. "I hope your parents don't mind me intruding in their house" I said looking guilty

A sad smile passed Shai's face "My father died a couple of seasons before my younger brother was born. And my Mother passed after having my brother."

I frowned "How old are you...where's your brother?" I questioned

Shai smiled sadly "He's in the eating area sleep on the table....I gave you our bed and I am ten seasons."

I bit my lip and got up. A wave of dizzyness passed me but I refused to lay down. "Shai how close are we to the Pharaoh's Palace?" I asked

Shai shrugged "I don't know..." He looked at me sadly "My mom kind of looked like you....can I call you Mommy, Miss?"

I felt my heart breaking and nodded "Shai...where's the baby?" I asked walking slowly out of the room. I was tired and achey but I'm sure the baby felt even worse.


Tut's Pov

Where Is She?

I stormed down the halls of my palace yelling curses and shouting orders and servants. 

When I reached the door way of Ankhesenpaaten's chamber I stormed in

"Where is she!" I yelled ignoring the look of disgust she gave me

:"How should I know where you left your...trash. Perhaps she's opened her eyes and realized she's nothing but a lowly concubine whose only job is to lay with other women's husband's."

Anger took over me. "GAURDS!" I yelled and they ran in

"I want you to take Ankhesenpaaten to her tomb...and seal it she is to die there. Don't leave food and don't leave water...she must suffer."

Ankhesenpaaten fought against the gaurds. "TUTANKHAMUN YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" She screamed at me "LET ME GO" she yelled at the gaurds but, they paid her no mind. I am Pharaoh and my decisions are always final.


I sat in my throne room and began to give my commanders their orders. 

"I want you to gather yoour best hunters, sack up your best camals and look for Isis. Leave no stone unturned....if you shall find her bring her back unharmed for a gift from my palace...bring her back harmed and you will face the same fate as Ankherenpaaten"

I than dismissed them and stared out to the distance

Isis...where are you?


Isis Pov

Shai directed me to the table where the baby lay. The baby couldn't have been more than a year old and was covered in dry mud.

I turned to Shai " there a bowl big enough to wash him in?" I asked not sure what the name of the baby was.

Shai shook his head "No Momma, I had to sell all of our big bowls for food."

I bit my lip. This baby was dirty and needed a bath and food? How was I going to feed this baby. Honestly I wanted to leave and never turn back but the look in Shai's eyes reminded me that when there's a will there's a way and perhaps I'll find a way to save this poor baby and its brother.

"Is there a river near by?" I asked 

Shai nodded "There's one at the edge of the village..."

Looking determined I picked up the sleeping baby and started walking out the house 

"Than we must go and you must lead the way"

He nodded and began to walk infront of me.

It's going to be a long way.


Author's note

Hope you enjoyed it! Yeah I know it's kind of short but whatever the next  chapter would be longer.





--------------------------------------> PICTURE OF SHAI

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