Chapter 4

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Tut's POV

As I laid in my chambers thinking of Isis and what secrets she may hide my mind kept wandering to our kiss. It felt better than the cold kisses me and Ankphesenpaaten shared. 

Still her unwillingness unnerved me. I have a whole empire under my thumb. I have thousands of people serving me my affections should be a gift to her but, they seem like a curse. 

 I slowly sat up and grabbed my cane trying to shake these feelings. I'm not a kid I'm a king and I'd be damn if I let feelings for Isis get in the way of my rule. I walked to the balcony connected to my chambers to look out to the land. 

My eyes scanned it. The beauty of it seemed to enlight me. I've been here my whole life and my fore fathers help build this land and, it was up to me to keep it thriving. That was the hard part. With the Nubians getting stronger and my wife failing to give me a healthy heir I fear my kingdom will die and fade away like other kingdoms.

The sound of soft feet shook me out of my musings. I turned around to face Ankhesenpaaten. I looked at her with a raised brow

"Tutankhamun...." She started "This girl...that you've brought into this palace is no good! Do you know how embarrassing it is for ME your QUEEN to sit and share breakfeast with some concubine?"

I glared at her. Who is she to question my rule? "Isis is a Gift from Ra. She will bare the heirs you can't give me and soon she'll take your spot as Queen."

"Her? Take my spot? Tutankhamun you can't do this to me. I am your FIRST wife and I won't settle for being a forgotton second wife and for heirs...perhaps the god's were trying to say we weren't for them." She argued trying to reason with me.

I wasn't hearing it however "Leave" I said in a cold voice 

She glared at me "You'll regret this Tutankhamun" She spat out before walking out.

I shook my head before turning back to the view.My thoughts focused intently on my lands


Isis POV

I laid out on the grass beside the nile. It was so peaceful kind of like a scene out of a movie. The soft breeze seemed to tickle my skin. Looking up to the sky I thought about home,my friends,and the situation with Tut.

I closed my eyes trying to think of something that wasn't Tut when The area around me began to shade. 

Opening my eyes I gasped. Infront of me was two men. They were both very tan and very buff and both carried sinister smirks.

I backed away and the began to to grab for me. I tried to get up and run but one of then grabbed my arm and held it tight. I shrieked 

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

The one who had my arm glared and hit me in the back of my head.

"Shutup" He growled. I started to cry and than everything went black.


I woke up with a pounding headache. I groaned. Trying not to make the pain worse I tried to figure out how I got here...and where is here.

A deep chuckle echoed through the room "Hello girly" The voice said

I turned around slowly to see one of the guys who grabbed me smirking.

"You're a pretty one" He said his eyes roaming over my body. "I think I'll keep you"

"Keep me?" I repeated "NO YOU WILL NOT...I just want to go back...with Tut"

He sneered "Touching really but, I've got orders from another authority that doesn't want you're going to be here with me perhaps we'll learn to enjoy each other"

I shook my head and he began to walk towards me slowly. I tried to look at anything that wasn't him but, he wasn't having it. Instead he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"Has Tutankhamun laid with you yet?" He asked looking at me intently with a look I wasn't comfortable with. 

I didn't answer and he was getting impatient. 

"Answer me wench!" He yelled

"It's none of your concern!" I yelled back. Big mistake.

He slapped me....hard. I began to cry as I shook my head.

He smirked "More fun for me than" he said as he pushed me down on the bed. This isn't what I wanted at all. As he got closer I got angry and kicked him right in his family jewels. 

When He fell to the floor I ran through the door he came from. Praying to God it was an escape.


WOOOHOOOOOOO Cliff hanger I know! Sorry for the delay and any spelling errors it may contain.




----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Picture of Isis

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