Chapter 9

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Isis Pov


As we neared the city our pace began to lack. Shai walked beside me taking slow strides trying not to go ahead of me. The other women were doing no better. Some were crying fearing the worst as we entered the city.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Infact my nerves were eating at me. Biting my lip I held my head high as we were escorted to the plaza infront of the palace. We were lined up and waited for whatever was next. 

Then he came out. Tut walked slowly down the steps and seemed to look straight at me. I swallowed and directed my attention elsewhere. When he was at the bottom of the steps he began to walk down the line looking at everyone.

When he got to me he stopped and gave a small smile "Welcome back Isis" he looked at Shai and Khait questionally and turned to his gaurds. 

"I've found what I was looking for....I want you to house the rest of these women and their kids and then escort them from where ever you found will be rewarded."

The gaurds nodded and began to escort them to housing. Tut cleared his throat and my attention was turned to him. 

"It seems that you return with.....extra baggage eh?" Tut says playfully looking at Shai and Khait before motioning us to follow him up the stairs.

Shai who seemed shocked that the Tut was joking with me and not hurting me looked to me with a look of confusion. I just smiled and shrugged noting to explain to him how I got here and met Tut once we're alone.

The walk up the stairs seemed to take forever but I didn't complain. When we finally reached the top stair Tut motioned to Bennu who smiled at me. 

"Servant" Tut said looking at her "I want you to see that all three of them are bathed and feed. When that is down escort Isis to my chamber"

He than waved his hand and dismissed us. When he walked again I turned to Bennu with a tired smile on my face. I hugged her and we began to walk to my chamber.

When we got there Shai looked at the room in awe. He began to look around as I sat Khait on my bed freeing him from my back. It felt good to be back I missed this place...though I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss Tut still the idea of being comfortable made me love the palace.

Bennu cleared her throat and annouced that our bath was ready. I nodded and picked Khait up while she got Shai.

When we got to the bathing room she undressed Shai, Khait, and me. Looking at our dirty clothes with disgust she picked them up and left the room, to dispose of them.

While she was gone I took the opportunity to wash Khait who was bouncing on my lap loving the water. By the time I was finished with Khait Bennu came back and began to wash Shai whi for the most part was still in shock about the palace. 

After she finished bathing Shai Bennu got a towl and took Khait out of my hands. She dried him and called onto Ebe to dress Khait who took him with a smile. Than she helped Shai out of the tub and called unto Djserit to dress him who wrapped him in a towel and took him away.

When the kids were gone Bennu began to bathe me. She washed my hair and scrubbed the dirt off of my skin. Than she took me out of the tub dried me and helped me into this long dress that kind of dragged. It was off the shoulder with long silky sleaves. Than she put on these gold bracelets one on each wrist. Lastly she applied a bit of kohl on my eye lids and rouge to my lips and I was ready to face Tut.


While walking down the hall to his chambers I couldn't help feel nervous. I didn't know what he wantsand honestly I don't even know what I want. Still I contained my nerves and walked into his chamber.

When I walked in I was shocked by the beauty of it. It was a hundred times better than my room. I began walking to the center of the room looking for any signs of Tut. I didn't see him and was about to give up when I caught a glimpse of him walking through a doorway.

I slowly walked to where I saw him enter and there he was on a balcony looking out at his empire. If anything was a kodak moment that would be it. I joined him at his side and looked around. 

"It's beautiful isn't it..." I said trying to start conversation.

"Not as beautiful as you Isis." He said turning to look at me "You don't know how worried I was about your well being when you disappeared" He reached out a hand and touched my face "I would love to marry you...If you put your fears aside no one will hurt you I'll protect you...with the help of Ra no man can hurt you or I." 

He looked at me straight in the eye as if pleading with me not to say no. I could feel my eyes tearing over and I wanted so much to say yes.

"Tut...what if that's not enough. I can't save you from what I know and what I know is horrible for you for this empire and for me...I can't allow myself to fall for you even if I already am...I don't want to get hurt." I said the words burning in my mouth as if my own body wanted to give in.

"You won't get hurt Isis. Can't you see that you're changing me? I don't want any concubines, I don't want anymore conquest I want you. You give me these, these feelings of upmost joy something I can't contain...give us a chance Isis....I promise I'll protect you." He replied 

We stared at each other before I finally answered.

"Okay" I whispered "One chance"

After I uttered those words it's like a fire lit inside of Tut and he kissed me long and soft...I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.


Author's note

You like? A little romance won't kill >.> or will it. Anyway thanks for reading! I'm trying to spice it up...can you tell?





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