Chapter 11

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Isis Pov


After the meeting with the Keeper's I couldn't help but feel weird. Like that feeling that you get when you know that something's going to happen. 

The walk to my chambers was silent and filled with unspoken tension. Tut refused to meet my eyes and, that angered me. When we reached my chambers I walked passed him sending him one of those "Im annoyed go away" looks. He seemed to take the hint and left with out a word.

I walk towards my bed and saw Shai and Khait sleep on it. I smiled softly running my hands through Shai's hair. I didn't lay down though, I wasn't tired and I longed for something to occupy my time. 

I softly kissed Shai and Khait on the forehead and quietly walked out of my chamber. Slowly I walked down the torch lit hall. I listened for footsteps and when I heard none I continued to walk. I had no sense of direction and went where ever my feet took me.

When I finally did stop I was infront of Tut's chambers. Honestly I had no idea why I was there and I was tempted to just go in and stand on the balcony.

Swallowing my pride I creeped in his room. Past his sleeping area and onto the balcony. There was a cool breeze that seemed to dance on my skin. I smiled closing my eyes enjoying the coolness of the air.

I began to hum softly thinking of the times when my parents would take me to the beach. As my melody strummed longer I heard footsteps behind me. 

"I wish to know why you are angered with me..." He said his voice  echoing through out the room.

Sighing I turned to him. Refusing to meet his gaze I looked to my hands. I didn't really have an answer to his statement. I mean I suppose it was because it felt like he tried to seduce me so I could talk to his Keepers who inturn were weird and "all knowing".

"I'm not angered" I said after a while. "Annoyed, freaked out, and confused would explain how I feel in better terms."

He sighed and was slowly walking over to me when he trips and fell. I gasped and ran to him and helped him up.

"Lets get you in back in bed" I said softly throwing one of his arms around me as we walked together to his bed. 

When we got there he sat and I stood.

"I think you've had enough for today Tut...we'll talk about this some other time" I said looking at him with concern. I turned to leave when he called out "Stay....Just for tonight?" He asked and I sighed and nodded only agreeing because he fell.

I layed beside him and listened as he tossed and turned until he fell asleep spooning my back. I joined him in blissful sleep wondering

What's next?


Ankhasenpaaten's Pov


If I've said this once I've said this again I honestly abhor Tutankhamun. It's not because he seemed totatlly unfazed by his first two childrens deaths or because he dismissed every opinion I had. But because his little play thing he brought in the palace in place of me.

Maybe I was a little bit jealous but what Queen wouldn't be. I wouldn't have minded if her presence went unknown like it was supposed to but, it didn't. 

I was angered, sad, and wanting and Tutankhamun wouldn't even touch me. I was his first wife and he was supposed to love me. My position was supposed to be higher than hers and I admit I haven't been the most loving of wifes but pain made me that way.

Now after he casted me out to live with the sick and unwanted I thought I was going to die. But then my savior came...Namurot.

He explained to me how Tutankhamun was going against the odds and how if I help him become Pharaoh He'd marry me and make me a first wife. I agreed of course but, now I'm unsure of where I stand in his plans.

Namurot has many and don't get me wrong they all sound wonderful but who does he expect to get them done? Not me. For I was raised to be a Queen and I will be a Queen therefore Queens don't get involved in stuff like this...They just turn their head the other I'm doing now.

I pretend I'm oblivious to the fact that Namurot is plotting to take Tut's life. I pretend that I don't know that he plans to dispose of me when he becomes Pharaoh. I pretend I don't know that Namurot was behind the death of my two children and sometimes I pretend that I'm actually content living in ignorance because it seems that not knowing is knowing everything.

I wiped a stray tear from my eyes and turned towards the window. The sun was rising and Ra was granting me another day on his planet...and my hell.


Author's note

I wrote this chapter simply so you can have a peak into Ankhasenpaaten's thoughts. I'm still debating on how I should bring about the kids meeting and interacting with Tut...Anyway Next chapter will be longer (maybe) and perhaps have Namurot more in it. I don't know though.





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