Chapter 18: Isaac

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"Where are we even going?" Grant asked.

"I dunno," Mason answered.

"We're just looking for Ms. Simpson and Lisa," Isaac told them.

"Where do you think they are?" Liam asked.

"I dunno," Mason answered.

"Why do you keep on saying 'I dunno'?" Grant asked.

"I dunno," Mason answered, smiling.

"SHUT UP!" Isaac told him.

They walked in silence for about ten minutes until they somehow came to a dead end.

"Well," Liam said, "That's just great."

Then they heard voices, inhuman voices.

"Quick!" Grant told them, "Get in a door!"

"Wait!" Isaac told him.

But Grant shoved them all into a door filled with turquoise mist.


Everything was dark.

"Where are we?" Isaac heard Liam ask.

"No clue," Grant answered.

"Is there a light anywhere?" Isaac asked them.

They felt the wall in search of a light switch.

"Got it!" Liam said.

The lights lit up and they saw that they were in a bottom of a boat.

"This is so cool!" Grant exclaimed.

"No it isn't," Mason told him, "We need to somehow get out of here."

"Is there a forward button anywhere?" Liam asked.

"Probably not," Isaac said, "It's a high-tech boat."

Suddenly, something hit the side of the ship, they ran up to the deck and they saw a shark fin rise above the water.

"That's just great," Grant said as another hit almost made them fall out.

"Is there a harpoon anywhere?" Liam asked.

"How should I know?" Mason complained.

"I wasn't asking you," Liam retorted.


"If you're not too busy arguing," Isaac said, "We are being attacked by a shark!"

"Why is it even attacking us?" Grant asked.

"I dunno," Mason said.

"Where did Liam go?"

"I dunno."

They heard a clang and saw Liam coming up the deck holding a harpoon.

"Where's the shark?" he asked.

The light gray fin came out of the water, Liam aimed the harpoon, and swish! A spurt of blood, a splash, and the shark was gone.

Suddenly, the boat disappeared and they plunged into the icy water. Then they found themselves walking out of the turquoise filled room.

"That was awesome!!!"Grant exclaimed.

"Yes it was," Mason agreed.

They saw another door but this one had a window.

"What do you think is in there?" Isaac asked.

"I du-" Mason started to say.

"SHUT UP" Liam yelled.

"Fine!" Mason said.

"Who wants to check out the door?" Grant asked.

"Let's do it," Mason said.

They walked up to the window and saw the aliens crowded around a large glass box with a bright green and blue flame inside it.

"What is that?" Liam asked.

The aliens then got a piece of strange meat and threw it into the fire from above, the meat dissolved completely.

"That's disgusting!" Grant exclaimed.

"Shhhhh!" Isaac told him.

"What do you think the aliens are you going to do with that?" Mason asked.

"They're probably going to set the fire on us to kill us."Liam answered.

"We need to tell the others," Grant said.

"We'll need to do that manually because my P.W is out of power," Isaac told them.

"Then let's go," Liam said.

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