Meet me at the park at 10.45 pm

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So today I decided to meet up with all my buddies since there are only 3 days left for the flight. We were supposed to meet at the new Italian restaurant in town. However, only Cindy turned up and I was wondering where were the rest of them.
Reading the expression on my face, Cindy understood what I was wondering, "The rest of them are not coming, they have their assignments left, the one Mrs.Rita gave us. You know how evil she gets when she finds out we haven't completed her work. So yeah, it's just me and you."

Suddenly, I felt so shattered. I mean, it is not fair on my part to feel angry or upset because it is true that they had their assignments to complete and I wouldn't need to do them anymore since I am going away. But! But still! It's just three days until I board the flight to the Big Apple!
But I think it's best if I don't show it out so I decided to atleast have fun with Cindy. So we just talked about random things, then we baked some cupcakes, walked on my garden until it was quite late so Cindy decided to leave as well. I waved goodbye and stood there rooted in the pathway in front of my house. I wouldn't be here in three days time. It hurts so much to even think of it.

Then I realised I have been standing there for more than five minutes and decided to head back inside the house. I headed to the fridge to grab some passion fruit juice when I heard something weird. Then I realised that it sounded like my alarm. But then my phone isn't in my pocket anymore. So I decided to follow the sound instead, to my surprise, it led me to the backyard. Just as I pushed the door to the backyard open, my jaw dropped as I saw what was infront me!

Are you kidding me? Who would have done it? Probably someone would have done it when Cindy and I were up in my room. But who?

What I saw in front of me was beyond beautiful. Rose petals were arranged in a heart shape and there were candles around it. My favourite chocolates arranged on the ground. In the centre of the flower bed was a card that said "Meet me at the park at 10.45 pm."

I looked at my watch and it read, 10.30. So I have 15 minutes with me. The park is just a 5 minutes drive away. So I decided to drive there. I just randomly selected a car key and ugghh! I got the Sedan! I hated to drive the Sedan and I still don't know why. Just as I was about to drive past, I was scared my security guard would say something but to my surprise he didn't. I was just scared mum would have told him to stop me from going out at night or something. Right after that, Lexis walks towards me!
Uh oh!

"Hey Lucy darling, where are you headed to?"

"Hey Lex, uhmm, my friends wanted to meet me up since I was leaving in three days." I lied. In fact, I didn't even know who was I going to meet. I wanted to say 'if I don't return by morning, then be sure to find my body in the park.' But that would mean I would be grounded until I fly so I just said "Just the park Lex, just 5 minutes from here."

"Okay then, drive safe Lucy!"

Phew! That was close.

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