Genesis: My First Day

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I think the sleep I had was like the beauty sleep a bride would just before walking down the aisle.

So this is it,the Genesis: my first day at an American High School. Wikihow did help me get mentally prepared but any how, I need to experience the reality.

I had to wake up at 6.15 which is considerably too early for me. Well back there in Asia, we had an alternate year of being either in a morning school or an afternoon school. So, it wasn't always a routine for me to be an early bird.

I had my shower though it was too cold for me. Probably I will soon get stuck to the habit of not having a shower in the early morning. But for now, to get rid of the 'sleepy' me, I need to have a shower. I got into the clothes I had picked last night and put on some make up, just some concealer,foundation and mascara. I didn't want to look all so dressed up on my first day of high school. You know, they had 'always' and 'always' said, "First impression is the best impression."

Then, I picked up some bread, salad, mayonnaise and ham and made a sandwich. That was my breakfast.

Mr.Evans had already arranged for someone to drop me off and pick me up, so I did not have to worry about the travelling. At 6.45, there was a call through my intercom., so I knew that was my call.

I grabbed my backpack, my phone and a few oat bars (just in case I get hungry during the day before lunch. I have occasional gastric problems which can really kill me, obviously not literally, but yeah, it can still kill me.)

I got down to the lobby and found a man, probably in his mid 20s (probably 24) seated with a magazine in the hand, so I assumed it was the man who was sent by Mr.Evans. He looked really handsome adding to the fact that he was in a suit, he looked really smart. Before I could speak a word, he looked up from the magazine and smiled. I smiled back and before I could ask anything, he walked towards me and greeted me.

"Good morning Miss. Lucy. I am Zion, one of Mr.Evan's secretaries. Nice to meet you."

He handed his hand for a handshake so I politely accepted the gesture.

"Good morning Mr.Zion. It's nice to meet you too. So, you'll be the one to pick me up everyday?"

"Just call me Zion. And yep, I'll be the one to pick you up everyday. All set for your first day?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Can I have your backpack then?"

Wait what? I can carry my own backpack, I am not a baby. But, will it be rude if I say something about that? He was kind enough to help me carry it. But, I can't misuse someone who's already helping me out in dropping me.

"Uhmm, Mr... I mean Zion, it's okay. I'll carry my backpack. It's not that heavy anyways."

"Hmm, if you say so, but just in case you need help, just throw it to me yeah?"

Oh god, this guy is so adorable. He smiled and I could see his dimples. I bet no girl can resist a guy with dimples, well, definitely not me.

No Lucy! First day at school, new country, new place, stop drooling over a guy!

Sometimes,I just don't know if I should appreciate my mind voice or I should just shoo it away.

"Yeah sure sir... I mean, Zion."

"So let's go then Miss.Lucy."

"Yeah sure."

It's not fair right? How I can call him by his name but he has to show much of respect by addressing me so formally when he's much more older than me. I sometimes just hate the fact of being rich and having people much older to you work under you and yet show so much respect and fear towards you.

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