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I got tagged (a whole while ago) by my stalker-in-law Hoe4Oppa to answer her 13 creative questions, now let's dig in this 💩, won't we?

1. If you had one ability to do anything you want for a day, what would it be?

Spending a marriage with V aka Kim Taehyung aka the alien to his homeplanet called 'My Heart'.

Hhhh.... I'm so desperate.

2. Which do you prefer, wacky or formal?

Wacky to the max.

The wackier the better!

Tsamina mina eh eh
Wacky wacky eh eh~~!

3. Summer or winter?

Summer. I get cold easily and I hate that tickling annoying feeling in my throat when I'm ill.

But now that I got a fever in summer, TWICE (cheer up, babeh 😭), I start doubting it... -_-

Who am I kidding?! It's always summer because then, BTS decided to debut!

4. What never fails to annoy you every day?

My dad barging into my room out of nowhere and talking for an hour straight about some new scientific stuff while I just want to continue writing my books 😫

Because of him, I forget what I was planning to write and eventually, I lose my inspiration 😑

5. What 'dere' are you?

I'm definitely a TSUNdere. I just get embarrassed easily whenever I show my feelings and I don't actually like to show it, so I hide it underneath a layer of coldness and don't-freaking-touch-me-ness.

6. What are you most confident about yourself and why?

I've been through and am still going through shit that has thrown me in the real and deep pit holes of reality. Because of that, I gained some experience on what life really is about and that's something I should feel proud about and keep my mind on, instead of the negative points of the situations taking over my head.

I hope that I can help others with what I have been through and help them out too, mentally.

Now I make it seem though like it's extremely bad 😅 but it's actually not that great of a thing, I guess?

Perhaps I'm just exaggerating it a but too much 😆

7. Last TV show you watched?

The Powerpuff Girls!! Dun dun dududu dun dun~ *sings theme song along*

8. When and how did you find Wattpad?

Reading smuts on Tumblr etc. and when I scrolled through all those stories already, I started searching more on Google until I bumped onto... *drumroll*... Wattpad. Because you can't keep on reading and get to the good stuff if you don't have an account, I decided to make one.

And look where I have landed now!

9. What are you currently addicted doing.

Spamming people 😏👮👲👷👳👿⛔️🚳🆑🚷😬😮🌓🌝🌗🌖🎵🎈☎️📟🎅💝🎈🎇😲

10. Spirit animal?

At firs to thought I was a giraffe... but the stars tell me otherwise 😱

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