This is going to be freaking hella supercalifragilisticexpialidociousfucking long since so many people tagged me to put up even more facts of myself. And since I want to do it the right way, I need to sum all those tags up....
So yeah.... Fam who tagged me... ... To throw out each ten facts: Miss_IV , BANGTANSLAYSMEH and jibootae_ ... To suck even the last bits of my personality by asking for 15 facts: jetblack_maddy
I'm really telling you all my life's story. After this, I won't have anything to tell about myself anymore, except for my secretest secrets but I prefer those to stay for people I really feel I have bonded with huguguguhuuuuhuhughu 😄
1) Santa Claus (well actually not him, but his 'brother' whom our country is very fond of) was my hero until I learned that he didn't exist for real.
Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
It hit me when I was twelve years old... (The maximum average age when kids find out is like... seven?) I'm rather naive 😁??
2) Through the seventeen (MANSAE) years I've lived, I have never found the happiness to have a boyfriend, to share a real kiss, and of course, the sexual intercourse 😏 I've never even deeply hugged a guy 😑 (except for my dad and one brother of mine)...
3) I once lost a toenail because I wore shoes that were too small for me. It didn't hurt though, so there was no problem XP
4) A rusted nail penetrated through the sole of my shoe and dug inside my foot. I hadn't even gotten the tetanus-vaccination yet 😁
The fact there was nothing wrong with me, shows how incredible my immune system is 😆
Btw, that nail somehow didn't hurt very much, it just felt kind of uncomfortable. Like, you know it doesn't belong there 😄
5) I also stapled my thumb and when I pulled the clamp out, blood started spraying out. It was kind of fascinating how much blood could leave such a tiny hole...
And again, it didn't really hurt *shrugs with Suga's swag*
6) I always get panick attacks (well not really, it's not to that extent) whenever someone is angry at me. I don't know... it feels like they're bashing on my whole existence, it's terrifying. Even tears rush up to my eyes even if it's for something small as forgetting to flush the toilet (I'm sensitive, okay??)
7) An example of me being timid as hell:
When I was small, the teacher asked me to bring something or ask something to the teacher of another class. I always like to help so I accepted the task, but when I walked out of my classroom, I started crying since it hit me that I didn't know where I should go to.