Flex Them Buttmuscles As If The Titanic Has Sunk In Your Arse

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I got tagged by lovely LounaLovely to post another 13 facts about me...
Man... you peeps should know about whole my life from now on 😆

#1 My feet smell like rice.
At first I thought it was because I'm half Asian... but then I came to know (or more specifically, came to smell) that my family DOESN'T have this strange odour so I started questioning it.

Whenever we're having physical education and I take my shoes off, I hear people say: "It smells like rice waffles in here!" And in the meantime I'm silently putting my shoes back on.

#2 I burp whenever I have a cold.
(Not those loud, alphabet burps, but the 'silent killer' versions)
It's just silent and windy, but not smelly or soundy (??)

#3 I'm very into old-school songs such as 'Paradise by the Dashboard Light' by Meatloaf. Queen and Elvis are my heroes.

I very much like rock songs too and African songs and jazz. I actually am open for all different kinds of genres.

#4 I have a few freckles around the nose area and cheeks (but people don't notice them quickly, only when they really analyse my faceu)

#5 I've been punched in the stomach by my crush in elementary school, I don't know why because I was just standing still...

I still don't understand why I liked him 😔

#6 I once ran up to a random person while opening my arms to go for a hug, thinking she was my mom.

When she looked up, she gave me a filthy look and I felt embarrassed....

#7 I always wonder how people's shoelaces untie in the middle of the day.

That has never happened to me.
I'm just magical at tying my shoes!

#8 I have this desire to do an audition as an idol, but then it hits me errytime:

I can't sing
I can't dance
I can't rap
I can swing
I can chance
And I can wrap

Wow... I can be a poet 😱

Goodbye lost dream~~~

#9 I always flex my buttmuscles on the beat of the music. It's fun and good for the exercise (since that's the only thing I do while lying a whole day in bed)

#10 When I was a kid, I used to play with all insects... How come I'm now dead scared of them?

The growing girl inside of me is taking over!! I don't know if I should feel happy about that or not.... 😅

#11 I sing and dance in the shower. I never slipped... I'm a master 😏

#12 I knew everything I needed to know (#Jungcock) at an extremely young age. It was inevitable. Our family computer had funny sexual little GIFS on it of the superheroes. Like Spiderman suddenly flying into a girl, literally... 😏
Now that I remember that... Dad... WHY THE HELL SUPERHEROES? 😂

And whenever I came in my dad's room (no pun intended), the open closet above and next to his bed were FULL with porn dvd's and video's. There was even a pink dildo (probably from my step-mom) on a shelf that could turn around and vibrate!

Too much information? 😏 SORRY MY POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS~~

At seven years old, I also had the songs Bad Touch and Uhn Tiss of The Bloodhound Gang on my MP3. While all the other kids were singing like angels on the kid's songs, I was jamming to these motherfuckers.

So yeah...

You probably think very weirdly about me now, but I'm not a creep
*stares in your eyes while glinting a jokersmile* ABSOLUTELY NOT 😬

I'm a pervert, but I'm mostly too shy to show it. I get embarrassed easily.

#13 Happy Tree Friends were the first horror in my childhood brightness. My damned brothers trying to prank me again 😞


So people who I would want to get to know more:

- Miss_IV
- TAEfectionATM
- valeriekokoro
- chimchim_may
- not_vanessa
- http_hobi
- pinkmilkeu
- realitae
- Coongi

If you don't enjoy doing this, then don't. I would prefer you did though 😁

Have a nice day or have a nice tomorrow if your day is coming to an end already ^.^

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