I've been tagged by CONFETAES and I'm so happy because I thought no one would ever tag me again :') I thought for a second I was forgotten or something because how long has it even been since I've last updated this book? So thank you for tagging me! I'm gonna cry in a corner now, brb.
Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
1. A picture of you OR description of what you look like
Okay, I'm a beautiful girl with blonde hair and bright, big green eyes. I have thick plump lips and others always tell me I have big ears. My height is rather short but I definitely have lots of curves.
Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
2. Your name?
Call me the wife of Aladdin if he doesn't have his 72 virgins yet.
3. Nicknames?
Mien (pronounced as "mean"...oh damn...); Jai Ho; Jazz(y); Moron
4. Your stage name if you were a kpop idol?
Bitch please, are you kidding me? I'm already famous *hairflip* Didn't you ever hear Suga freak out about me? He always went Jai-Hoooooooooooope. Puhlease *hairflip#2*
5. Your role if you were in a kpop group (rapper, vocalist, dancer, visual, etc.)
I'm legit the one in the back whom people would ask about: "Who's that? Is she a member of the group? I thought she was their manager or stylist or something?" Cause let's face it, I CAN'T DANCE NOR RAP NOR FREAKING SING :')
Where can I buy talent?
6. What would get in the way of you being a k-idol
Urhh... having money for an actual flight to Korea? Like duhh xD
Oh, and perhaps... ME HAVING NO TALENT.
7. Someone you know that probably be a kpop star?
Nahh, not really, we're all derpyderps without any endurance for being an idol (I guess, well surprise me). Like seriously, singing/rapping AND dancing? That's fcking craycray.
Alright, of course gotta tag some people. Damn, I'm not so used to it anymorpjihorny