Hoe4Oppa tagged me to do this and I gladly take on this challenge 😏
Gotta list some (I guess 15?) things which I think other people can relate to.
So let's see how much of an idiot you are as I am 😁
1. Not finding something when you really need it, and when time has passed and you don't need it anymore, you suddenly find it back.
It's like there is a black hole in earth that teases us by sucking up our most needed items temporarily to then appear at the time you don't need it anymore like: "Yo whaddup? Were you looking for me? Swag."
2. Mosquitos are allowed to suck me empty, as long as they don't buzz in my ears the freaking whole time! Are they just trying to annoy me?
3. Hearing that the buzzing of the mosquito has finally stopped, makes you realise it is somewhere on you... about to drain you out.
Reaction? Turn into a human vibrator as if your life depended on it until you hear that crazily annoying buzzing again 😑
4. Waking up, thinking you should leave your bed to change your clothes and start the day freshly, but you're just staying, thinking 'Just enjoy this a while longer'. And before you know it, it's 8pm and not worthy anymore to start the day.
5. That moment when you're out of toilet paper and you scream: "whyyyyyyy??? I want to live!!" #MonsterOfFrankenstein😆
And wether you like it or not, search for other solutions (those solutions depend on how crazy your mind is 😏)
6. Leaving some place and feeling like you've forgotten something.
7. Tripping over thin air.
8. Singing along to lyrics you don't know.
9. Singing along while you can't sing at all but you don't give a shuck.
10. Managing to rap one verse (ONE VERSE SET!!! *starts dabbing along with J-Horse*) of a whole song and feel like you've become Busta Rhymes.
~ When I ride on my G5 I sit first class and satisfy and I keep giggling, keep jiggling; bring your fucking mind bitch... ~
11. Needing to pee but you're too lazy to go.
Though we all know that that so-called flooding shit can turn every lazy person into Usain Bolt.
12. Right before you're about to watch the MV your bias group dropped out of nowhere (like it's hot), you promise yourself you're gonna contain yourself.
Though we all know that that is a broken promise 😏
13. The first time listening to KPOP and hearing 'niga'.
😱 oh no you didn't just say that~~~
14. Learning dances of your favourite songs, but it ending up looking like you're signing cars to enter the car wash 😑
Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.