Tagged by my lovelies Miss_IV , kimjooned and Bangtan_Army17 OWWOIOOOHAHAHHHEHHAHAHHEA *psychopathic laugh out of nowhere and without any reason*
Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
Dang it, I already though I had told every fact of me already, but it seems like I missed a few...
1. My Nickname
My dad calls me: Bollemie, Mieneke, Mien (I have no idea if your pronunciation is right or not, but oh well...)
My mom calls me: Anak (but this is what ever Philippine mother calls their child, because it literally means "child"... WOW SO MUCH CREATIVITY THEY HAVE)
And I call myself: Jai-Ho (this was the original version until BTS arrived in my heart) ~~>Jai-Hope
But most people actually call me 'Mien'. Because the Jai-Hope nickname is just to act cool. 😒
2. My Eye Colour
I have bright green eyes with orange highlights, but let's quit lying and earnestly tell you that I have the common brown eyes.
3. My Hair Colour
Pure darkness. Black.
4. One fact about me
My eyes tear up easily in the wind. And when there's a harsh wind, I 'cry'.
Don't make me cricri :')
5. Favourite colour
I have lots of favourite colours, but I think that my ultimate is...
6. Favourite place
In BTS's subconscious minds and hearts.
7. Favourite celebrity
Asian world: BTS
Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
Western world: Mumord and Sons
8. Favourite animal
Because it's my pet, I guess a giraffe?
Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
9. Favourite song
My favourite song always changes, but for now I'm really addicted to Agust D's 'So Far Away'
AISHH... My hearteu!!
10. Favourite book
Kggg.... There are so many nice books out there...
Though the one that instantly crosses my mind is "The Night Circus". It's really fantastical and got me all dreamy. Wait... who was the writer again? Eleanor? I don't have any idea since I suck at remembering names -_-
It's a pretty well known book! If you feel like reading literature (for the first time), then that book is amazing to start with!
BLERGH.. Im too lazy, but I should tag people right?
Ugh..... Sorry but I'm not gonna tag again 😑 I gotta sleep soon because... gotta wake up tomorrow early because of school 😭😭
*dramatic Vladimir piano melodies in the background*