No Inspiration. RIP.

55 6 112

by Xiumin001  to answer 13 questions 😁

And I was actually done with this LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-(YEAH WE FREAKING UNDERSTAND!)-NG AGO so lots of this was written in another mood and with a past me 😁

I edited a few things though... sooo~~~~


1. Eaten yet?

If Jungkook counts as food, then yes.

(I meant junkfood, but this shows how much he had been on my mind lately 😑 UGH...)

This is him grinding to my heart

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

This is him grinding to my heart.....

*squeaks* help. 😭

2. If you were an animal, what would you be?

Probably a giraffe...

We share about the same length 😑

3. I love you, do you love me back?

I'm like an echo. If you hate me, I hate you back. If you are sweet to me, I'm sweet back.

So do you have the answer now?
If you love me, I... 😊

4. Favourite thing to draw?


5. Favourite person/people on Wattpad?

Oh god... If I would list up my favourite people, I would be sitting here till 2069 and I don't want to grasp all those youthful and fruitful years from you.

If you want to know my favourite people, take a look at my wall and see who spams me (spammers are always adorable beings to me and are closer to my heart😏). Plus, people who chat with me 😊 I'm a loner, so I need some loving through talking!!

6. Weight? Or prefer not to say?

It's not that I have anything to hide 😒
I weigh 71,4kg

I have no idea how much that is in pounds... but to get an image, I weigh about 1/3 more than V, my boii 😢

This is so dissatisfying 😂

7. Favourite thing to eat?

Aroscaldo. Mmmmmhh....
Something my grandma always made for me 😊

8. Ideal type?

Someone who can see if something's wrong with me and pushes me to talk about my problems (because really, I'm struggling to tell those out of my own power).
And one who can bring out the child inside of me, because that makes me forget about the bad things the world overflows us with 😊

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