Farts crawling out of my Ass

108 6 19

Tagged by omgitsbangtan to count up yet ANOTHER 13 facts about muhself...

Eventually, I will have told you 39 facts in total...
WOW... 😟


Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

1. I peed in my pants once when I was nine years old.
I was in bed.
I dreamed of sitting on the toilet.
The rest of the dream became reality.

To be honest, that was the most satisfying dream I had 😌

Wish that my dream would become reality again,
Only with I...
... marrying to V 😁

HAH! In my dreams!
😏 see what I did there?

I'll just shut up.

NOT! 😆

2. I'm the daughter of a man who runs around in long skirts and T-shirts (which are too small for him) around the house... "Because it's comfortable", he says 😆

(He's not homosexual nor trans nor bi. He's just... my Vader, my Faschja)
So you can expect where I got my weirdness from 😝

3. My favourite number is 3.
Number 7 is also very close to my heart.

And their OTP's (73 and 37) are variations that interest me too 😊

There is also a secret number. Although it's not my favourite, it can make me happy (somehow 😏). It's kind of obvious when you know a little of my personality which I show without shame here on Wattpad 😆

4. I only drink a maximum of two small glasses of water a day.
--> so I only have to go to the toilet once or twice (like ooh-ah)

5. I'm not very affectionate... at all. I hate saying 'I love you' for example and I hate hugs. But mostly that is because I feel too embarrassed to do that.

Somehow, it's a lot easier for me to openly show my real feelings on wattpad, but I still feel very embarrassed and awkward writing such words... 😳

6. I have very small teeth. Every time I buy new toothbrushes and use them, my gums bleed.
When I smile, my gums are also visible.

Rather than shiny teeth, I have shiny gums. One girl made a comment on that and she was very fascinated by the phenomena.

Oh well... I don't really mind... Maybe I can get my money that way... 😒

7. There are 4 Mosquitos above me right now.

If there were three more, I could perhaps make a fanfiction: "Sucking in the Bedroom [The story of seven bloodsuckers searching for their steamy and sleepy prey] - BTS SMUT"

8. I'm horrible at remembering names. It's not anything personal; it's just my mind that leaves me behind from time to time.

I don't even have any sense of time. I still live through my days as if it was 2004. Which day of the week is it again?

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