Chapter 1

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My eyes shot open as I heard a door suddenly slam beside me. I immediately had to squint and screw my eyes shut again as the bright sun shone through the open window and into the room. I could feel the warm sun falling onto my back, and I could already picture the large rays of light beaming through the window above me.

It was something that was always daunting immediately after I woke up, but would be something that I began to appreciate once my grogginess faded away. 

Once I had gotten used to the daylight, I stretched out my legs, opened my mouth into a large yawn, and stood up.

One of my housefolk who had entered the room as I had woken up walked passed me and bent down to stroke my head. I purred and lifted my tail up with delight. Then, they gave me a quick pat on the head before leaving the room as quickly as they had entered it.

I actually beamed in satisfaction knowing that I was alone again. Though my owners were very dear to me, I very much liked my time by myself. I could definitely spend days alone with my thoughts, I was sure. 

But of course, living with housefolk who adopted you for the sake of having another companion, that couldn't ever completely happen.

I had lived with my housefolk for quite a few seasons, though I was still a pretty young cat. We had always lived in a small and cozy house in a fairly large area with lots of housefolk's dens. My housefolk had a huge fireplace I slept by almost every night. 

But sometimes, if they didn't notice, I would jump out of an open window and sleep outside in the yard, if I even slept. I took every opportunity to be outside that I could, staring up at the sky and stars and listening to all of the creatures stir and chirp.

To my luck, my housefolk took me to where I am now to the lake for the summer, which I think is a yearly custom for them, anyway. It was pretty isolated, and no other houses were in sight. So, we were just a lone house surrounded by nature. I loved it.

It had been a couple moons, and it wouldn't be much longer until leaf-fall came and we would return to our old home in the forest.

I will admit - I missed my old house. Not necessarily because I wanted to lounge around and just eat all day inside, but because the neighborhood around was warm and welcoming, and it was just more familiar. I also had the burning desire to be back with my fellow house cats. At my real home, I escaped with them every day to run around the neighborhood. Then at night, we would return to our homes like nothing had ever happened.

Yet... despite this longing to return to what I had always known, I was also feeling a tug in another direction. One that I wouldn't dare speak of to any of my fellow house cats. 

And more thoughts of it seemed to be jabbing at me the more that I tried to suppress it. 

I found that I was having to do just that as I stretched out again and padded out of my cat bed to go and get my breakfast.

I walked into the food place to see that another one of my housefolk was already in there making their own food. I heard from an older cat that housefolk call this food place a kitchen, whatever that means.

I glanced around, and eventually found that my food was on the floor by the cabinets in a small pink bowl. I pranced over to the bowl and found my meal inside. I bent my head down and took a bite out of the slop.

Honestly, I had to force my food down every time I ate it. It tasted absolutely vile, and the texture was so strange. 

Basically, I found it very repulsive, and I still don't see how I was able to live with it for so long.

Warriors #1: Kittypet ClanbornWhere stories live. Discover now