Chapter 26

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"So, Lilypetal, do you wish that you could go to the Gathering tonight?" Daisy asked as she looked down fondly at her two new kits, Rosekit and Toadkit, who had been born just last moonhigh.

I thought about Daisy's question. Wish? I yearned to go to the Gathering tonight, but I had Snowkit and Goldenkit to take care of. Which is fantastic, and I love being with my daughters, but tonight's Gathering could seriously go wrong if I'm not there.

Since ThunderClan had finished repairing their dens, I had tried to keep one eye open on Ashfur. But, since he was often interacting with others, he didn't show any signs of his secret ambition or malice.

Still not answering Daisy, I glanced out of the nursery entrance where I happened to see Ashfur. I had barely missed him as he was padding out of camp. I narrowed my eyes, watching him go as he disappeared through the repaired gorse tunnel.

I felt a new surge of determination run through my body. I have to keep Ashfur from revealing that secret! I realized, unsheathing my claws and digging them into the earth as Snowkit and Goldenkit played with a moss ball just a tail length away.

I stared at them for a few moments as I felt a pang of guilt. I'm sorry, my lovelies. I have to leave for tonight, but I'll be back in time to tuck you in to sleep.

I stood up, glancing over at Daisy. "Do you mind watching the kits?" I asked her, my tail twitching anxiously. "I can find someone else if they'll be too much for you along with Rosekit and Toadkit!"

Daisy's eyes widened with alarm as she noticed my urgency. "No, that's alright! As long as they're distracted by that mossball, I should be okay!" She responded before tilting her head. "What's the matter?"

"Uh..." I hesitated as I tried to come up with an excuse.

"You do want to go to the Gathering, don't you?" Daisy purred, her blue eyes glittering with understanding. "Go on ahead! Every queen needs a break every once in a while."

Daisy, StarClan bless you, I thought before giving the new mother a grateful look. "Thank you, Daisy," I meowed as I quickly nuzzled each of my kits.

As I then began to rush out of the den, I heard Daisy call from behind me, "You make sure to tell me all about it when you get back!"

I paused for a brief moment. "Don't worry, you can count on me!" I called back before quickly trotting up to Firestar, who was already waiting by the camp entrance as cats were beginning to gather.

"Firestar, please pardon me," I meowed, trying to speak evenly, "But may I please go to the Gathering tonight?"

Firestar almost let out a purr of amusement, clearly I hadn't spoken as calmly as I had wanted to. "What's so urgent?" he meowed, flicking his tail with curiosity.

I hesitated for a heartbeat, not wanting to necessarily lie to the ThunderClan leader.

"Well, Daisy suggested I go," I answered, feeling satisfied, as that wasn't necessarily a lie at all. "She thought that while Snowkit and Goldenkit were occupied with a game of mossball that I could go out for just a bit."

I felt a wave of relief as Firestar glanced at his assembled cats before looking back at me and nodding. "Okay, if it is your wish," he responded. "I suppose I can't turn away an eager queen, can I?"

Yes! Thank StarClan! "Thank you!" I purred to the ThunderClan leader. Now I knew that I was going to be able to do something if Ashfur tried anything at this Gathering. At this point, I didn't care about his threats. I had to do this for Squirrelflight's, Jayfeather's, Lionblaze's, and Hollyleaf's sake. Even thought I personally thought that Squirrelflight hiding a secret like that wasn't the best idea, I knew that she didn't deserve the suffering that Ashfur said she did.

My fur prickled happily as Firestar turned away from me to face ThunderClan. "Okay, ThunderClan, the full moon is beginning to rise. Let's go!"

Any cat had barely been able to move as Ferncloud let out a yowl. "Wait!" She exclaimed. "But where's Ashfur?" I inhaled quickly as I watched Ferncloud look around the camp, her eyes worried.

"Right here!" Ashfur shouted out as he suddenly appeared from behind the nursery.

I let out a quiet hiss. What in the name of StarClan? What was he up to? I wondered, narrowing my eyes. I can't trust anything that he does anymore.

As I watched Ashfur walk up to join the rest of the group, I flinched as he quickly glared at me, and then Squirrelflight, who was a couple of fox-lengths away from me.

Suddenly feeling like I needed to protect my friend, I quickly padded over and stood by Squirrelflight. As I pressed my flank against hers, we exchanged a glance.

I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized that we didn't need to say anything at all. She seemed to know instantly in that moment that I knew what was coming, and that I knew what Ashfur was planning.

"Lilypetal, what do I do?" She meowed helplessly. "This probably the worst gathering I'm ever going to go to... Maybe I shouldn't go."

I shook my head as I wrapped my tail around the ginger she-cat's back. "Don't worry," I whispered to Squirrelflight as I built up my own courage. "That mouse-brain is not going to say a word as long as I'm there."

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