Chapter 9

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I narrowed my eyes as I watched Cloudtail shake his head, sniffing at the WindClan border.

"What?" I asked anxiously, my tail tip twitching.

"Yeah, what is it?" Dustpelt demanded.

"They split up here," Cloudtail meowed.

I let out a gasp. I may not be a warrior yet, but I know that can't mean anything good, unless they just enjoy getting into smaller groups to mingle together, I realized as Dustpelt hissed, "They did what?"

I tried to push down my nerves as Cloudtail flicked his tail towards where I knew the old Thunderpath to be. "One group went that way."


He then pointed his nose towards the lake. "Another went that way," he muttered.

Uh, oh.

"And the other-"


Birchfall, who was standing next to me, cut him off. "The other?"

I shivered as I saw that Cloudtail was looking upstream. "The other group has gone deeper into the woods."

"Three groups of WindClan cats?" I summarized out loud.

"So none of them have crossed back over their border?" Ashfur, who was standing on my other side, asked, his pelt bristling. He and I exchanged a suspicious glance.

"Not as far as I can tell," Cloudtail answered. "This is as close to the border as the scent goes."

"Isn't there any fresh scent on the border at all?" I asked the white warrior, growing more and more nervous with each heartbeat.

My heart sank as Cloudtail shook his head.

"So they didn't come in this way either," Ashfur concluded, narrowing his eyes.

A battle is definitely far from being won, I realized. None of what we've seen so far indicates anything good.

Birchfall eased my thoughts a little. "They must have crossed the moorland border," he guessed.

I wish I could agree with that, I thought to myself. Out loud, I murmured, "As much as I wish that was true, from what Cloudtail's found, WindClan's plan certainly isn't to return home, not when they've split off into three groups like this."

Birchfall looked thoughtful for a few heartbeats. "We should get back to camp," the pale tabby warned. "WindClan are still on our land."


"They've split up into three groups and disappeared," Dustpelt explained to Firestar, the ThunderClan leader sinking his claws into the ground.

"Split up?" Graystripe repeated, heading over from the nursery.

Brambleclaw let out a hiss. "They must be trying to weaken us by dividing us up."

"The attack on the camp was just to get our attention," I watched Firestar conclude. "They want to draw us out into the forest."

"If they've split up, they've weakened themselves too," Dustpelt pointed out. I nodded in agreement.

"But they have the advantage of surprise. They know we're coming," Graystripe contradicted.

"And we don't know where they're hiding."

I nodded, understanding WindClan's plan. I have to admit that it's very clever.

"We know which way they headed," Cloudtail meowed. "One group went up toward the top of the territory, one went down toward the lake, and it looks like one doubled back and headed for the old Twoleg path."

My gaze stayed on Firestar's worried look as Dustpelt wondered out loud, "How in the name of StarClan did they know which way to go?"

I watched as Firestar then frowned. "It looks like they know our territory better than we imagined."

"-and that's scary," I couldn't help but meow.

"And that's impossible!" Brambleclaw demanded. "Our patrols have kept them from crossing the border."

As I delved deep into thoughts and ideas of how WindClan could possibly know our territory so well, a rustle suddenly came from the camp entrance, and Whitewing charged into the camp. I barely heard her as she reported, "No sign of trouble on the ShadowClan border!" Brackenfur, Mistpelt, Hollypaw, Icepaw and Sorreltail were right behind her.

Firestar turned to face the returning patrol. "WindClan have split up and are still on our territory."

Sorreltail let out a gasp. "They didn't leave?"

Firestar began to pace. "No. We need three battle patrols to go out and find them. A fourth patrol will stay behind to defend the camp." He then turned to face Graystripe. "That will be your duty."

Firestar went on. "I'll lead one patrol. Brambleclaw, you lead the second, and Dustpelt will lead the third."

My heart welled up with pride as I noticed that the whole Clan was now gathered around its leader, ready to take orders. Firestar scanned through all of his Clanmates. "ThunderClan will defend its territory," he promised us, his green eyes glimmering with sincerity. "Ashfur, Lionpaw, Berrynose, Spiderleg, Poppyfrost, you'll follow me." He then turned over to the two other patrol leaders. "Pick your own warriors. Leafpool and Jaypaw will stay in camp with the queens and elders. Brightheart and Whitewing, you stay with them. Cinderpaw, Ferncloud, and Icepaw, you stay too."

My fur prickled with apprehension as I watched Dustpelt and Brambleclaw scan through the warriors in camp. I had to admit, I was now extra nervous; Firestar hadn't picked me to stay in camp, which meant that I was going to be chosen for one of the two other patrols. Time for another battle, I realized.


My head whipped around to where I had heard Brambleclaw's voice. "You're coming with me," he informed me as he also beckoned Mousewhisker, Brackenfur, Hollypaw and Hazeltail over.

I took a deep breath. There was no turning back now. I nodded quickly before padding over to the dark brown tabby. "Gotcha," I murmured, suddenly filled with a new determination.

Brambleclaw scanned his patrol one more time before flicking his tail towards the camp entrance. "Let's go."

Let's go.

I took one last glance around the camp before beginning to follow the Clan deputy. For just a brief moment, my hazel eyes met Thornclaw's, who was heading over to Dustpelt's patrol. I couldn't read his expression, but I'm sure the desperation I felt was clear in mine. He was too far to talk to, but I did beg in my mind, Great StarClan, please be careful. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you.

I took a deep breath before finally turning around and following Brambleclaw and the rest of the patrol through the gorse tunnel.

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