Chapter 12

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There was a few heartbeats of silence before I responded to Thornclaw's words.

I was overwhelmed with so many feelings, all of them good. I had never felt this type of happiness before. Thornclaw loves me, I said in my mind as I processed it. Thornclaw loves me!

I continued to be at a loss for words as Thornclaw tried to search my gaze. "Lilypaw? Are you alright?" He whispered, his eyes glowing with concern. He then looked to the ground. "I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have-"

I purred loudly, watching him cut himself off and his eyes widen as I lifted my tail and proceeded to twin it around his. He looked back up at me, his gaze filled with both happiness and shock. Now time for me to do the talking, I thought affectionately.

Still purring, I said, "Well, Thornclaw, I can say with complete certainty that calling you my friend was one of the stupidest things that I've ever done."

I could help but purr with amusement as I saw Thornclaw's eyes flash with worry. "W-why?" He stammered, glancing down at our twinned tails every couple of heartbeats.

I briefly touched my nose to his cheek, breathing in his scent before pulling away and whispering to him, "Because I love you too." I love him, I repeated to myself. I've never felt love like this before. No wonder I was so confused about my feelings! But now, I knew. My feelings were as clear as the stream on the ThunderClan-WindClan border. I was in love with this cat.

A purr continued to rumble in my throat as I watched Thornclaw's pale blue gaze light up, and it looked as if he was about to explode with happiness. "You do?" He asked, his voice shaking. My heart warmed up even more as I realized that he was as pleasantly surprised as I was.

I let out a mrrow of laughter. "Are you kidding?" I purred, my gaze burning deep into the tom's eyes. "Of course I love a tom as kind, brave, honest, thoughtful, determined and fantastic as you are."

Without another word, Thornclaw let out a loud purr before pressing his muzzle against mine. I pressed back, purring more loudly than I ever had in my whole life. I was overwhelmed with so much affection and love, that I could barely stand it.

I then dug my head into Thornclaw's neck fur. "I'm so sorry if I misled you," I whispered to my new mate. Pulling away, I teased, "When I called you an amazing friend, what I meant to say was that you were an super-ultra-fantastic-mega-amazing friend!"

Thornclaw purred with amusement, love continuing to glow in his eyes. "Wow, that sure makes things better then," he teased back, nudging his shoulder lightly against mine. I flicked my ears as he then looked up at the sky. "Great StarClan, I've been out here confessing my love to you for quite a while now!" He purred, staring up at the quarter moon high in the sky.

I nodded, my mouth opening into a huge yawn. "I am exhausted," I meowed, leaning my head on Thornclaw's shoulder. "Plus, with everything's that's gone on, we should be on call if Firestar or Brambleclaw need us for something."

Thornclaw licked my head. "That's true," he meowed. "Our Clan will definitely be missing us by now!"

I lashed my tail up in the air, excited but nervous for cats to find out the progression of Thornclaw and I's relationship. And what about Whitewing? I wondered anxiously. There was definitely some sort of connection between them!

Shaking that off for the moment, I let out another yawn before matching my steps with Thornclaw's as he begun to pad towards camp. He twinned my tail back with his.

"It's too bad that we can't share a nest yet," I meowed, sighing as I remembered that Thornclaw was in the warriors den while I was currently with the apprentices.

Warriors #1: Kittypet ClanbornWhere stories live. Discover now