Chapter 27

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My stomach had been aching throughout the entire gathering, seemingly more so than it had when I was expecting Snowkit and Goldenkit just a few moons ago.

I wasn't backing out of my plan to stop Ashfur from his horrible plan, no way. But nevertheless, I was terrified of what the mangy furball was going to say, and when he was going to say it. I hadn't even thought up what exactly I was going to do when Ashfur decided to speak up. So far, I had only committed to stopping him, not thinking about how exactly I was going to do that, out of my desperation to do so.

Maybe he'll feel guilty or scared, and not do anything at all! I thought prospectively, but knowing that that was likely not going to be the case. The determination in his eyes was definitely there when he stated what he was going to do, along with the psychotic-ness.

I was still deep in thought, terrified as Onestar finished speaking. Now, only Firestar was left to give the Clans his words.

As Firestar stepped forward, I glanced over to where Ashfur was sitting next to Ferncloud, his eyes eerily calm as he looked up at the ThunderClan leader.

I narrowed my eyes. Is he really not going to say anything? I asked myself, actually beginning to feel at ease. Maybe he's not.

But unfortunately, I had let myself get comfortable far too soon.

Just as Firestar had begun to open his mouth, I heard an earsplitting yowl come from Ashfur's direction. I could only guess who the yowl had come from.

Suddenly, all of my fears washed away as adrenaline and valor took its place. That horrible excuse for a cat won't get away with this! I thought, sinking my claws into the ground.

As Ashfur had yowled, I felt Squirrelflight flinch beside me. As she pressed closer to me, I was almost sure that I could feel her heart beating. I glanced over at Thornclaw, who was on my other side, to see him looking over at Ashfur with his eyebrows raised in intrigue.

"Was that Ashfur?" Thornclaw muttered into my ear. "This should be interesting. What do you think is going on?"

I hesitated as I glanced back at my mate, not sure how much I should share with him. "I-"

I was cut off as Ashfur finally began to speak, standing up from his spot beside Ferncloud. "I have something I have to say!" he meowed clearly, loud enough for all of the cats on the island to hear.

From where the deputies stood, I could see Brambleclaw staring back at Ashfur, his eyes narrowed.

"Ashfur, if you wish to speak," he meowed bitterly, "It would be polite if you could ask your leader first."

My ears pricked at Brambleclaw's harshness. His voice had been fairly calm, but any cat would clearly be able to detect the edge in his meow. The two of them must have some bad blood from the Squirrelflight situation, I realized. I'm sure Brambleclaw also received some of Ashfur's initial anger when Squirrelflight picked him over Ashfur.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I kept myself from cringing as I watched Ashfur stare at the ThunderClan deputy for a few heartbeats, his gaze full of malice, before finally complying with Brambleclaw's words and looking up at Firestar.

"In that case, Firestar, is it alright if I speak?"

Firestar looked wary at first, but eventually he dipped his head after a couple of moments. "Proceed, Ashfur."

No! Foxdung! I cursed to myself as I stood up, bracing myself for what was coming. I could hear Squirrelflight cursing under her breath and shaking next to me.

Thornclaw seemed to sense my panic and urgency. He tried to meet my gaze. "Hey, what's going on?" He whispered, then attempting to follow my gaze.

As much as I wished I could answer Thornclaw, I knew that I didn't have any more moments to spare as Ashfur began to speak again. I left my spot in between Thornclaw and Squirrelflight and sneakily started to head towards Ashfur, trying not to make a scene when I didn't think I needed to yet.

"Everyone, I have some important information to share," he declared as I slithered stealthily through the crowd of cats. "A few days-"

Ashfur didn't get to finish, and instead let out a grunt as I leaped on top of the gray tom, pinning him down. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see many cats backing away in alarm. My heart felt like it broke as my gaze briefly fell on Thornclaw, who was staring with his eyes full of confusion and hurt.

My love, don't worry. Just you wait until you see why I'm doing this, I told my mate in my thoughts.

"Get off of me!" Ashfur hissed, only loud enough for me to hear as he struggled under me. More loudly, he then wailed, trying to sound innocent, "Lilypetal, what did I do to deserve this?"

"Don't play at that game!" I yowled, pressing my paw over his mouth so that his speech would be muffled. I tried my hardest to ignore the gasps and yowls I heard coming from the cats around me.

Above the rest, I could hear Firestar's shocked meow. "Lilypetal, what are you doing? Let him go!" The ThunderClan leader insisted.

After glancing apologetically to Firestar briefly, I looked back down at Ashfur. His blue eyes were blazing like fire and his claws were unsheathed. I heard a low growl emerging from his throat.

Knowing that at any moment, some cat would leap on me to stop what I was doing, I lifted my head to the sky, making sure Ashfur's muzzle was still covered.

I took a deep breath. There was no turning back now.

"Everyone!" I yowled, scanning the clearing. "Don't listen to a word that this tom has to say. He is an awful, lying traitor!"

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