Chapter 24

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I burst through some brambles, panting as Firestar had been standing up from his makeshift nest. I sat where I was, exhausted from the run I had just made.

I watched as Firestar scanned his eyes around the clearing. He paused when his gaze fell on me.

He flicked his tail to beckon me over. "Has everyone made it out of camp?" He asked me once I had padded over to him.

Trying to forget about the scene that had unfolded in front of me just moments ago, I dipped my head to the ThunderClan leader. "Yes," I answered. "Squirrelflight, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather were just leaving once I got there. And Ashfur-"

My meow was cut off by a rustle coming from some shrubs behind me, and I whipped my head around to see Ashfur emerge into the clearing. I felt my stomach twist up into a knot as I observed that the tom looked completely calm, as if he hadn't just threatened four cats.

Not wanting to look at him for even one more moment, I immediately turned back to Firestar and finished my sentence. "-is right there." I muttered, nodding briefly to where I had seen Ashfur appear.

Firestar nodded, looking slightly more relieved. "Good, good," he murmured before turning to face the rest of his Clan to oversee them.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief when, just then, it began to rain. I had closed my eyes with ease as I felt the first drop of water land on my head. With this rain, we'll surely be able to return to camp soon, I thought hopefully.

Still in shock with everything that happened, I still felt like I couldn't move. I needed a bit of time to process everything.

So... Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw aren't Lionblaze's, Hollyleaf's, or Jayfeather's parents? I asked myself in my mind. Why did Squirrelflight lie about that? Why would she have to?

I narrowed my eyes as I then began to scan the group of ThunderClan cats. I wonder who the real mother and father are?

As I watched Ashfur pad up to check on his sister, Ferncloud, I then wondered, and... what has gotten into Ashfur? I've always known him to be such a level-headed, calm warrior. I never could have imagined that he'd act like he did in that fire.

Suddenly, I noticed that Ashfur had averted his gaze slightly, and I followed it to see that Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze had arrived into the clearing. Squirrelflight followed closely behind. Ashfur's gaze burned into them as they walked deeper into the mess of gathered cats. I then felt my heart sink as Brambleclaw made his way over to his kits, or rather, who he thought were his kits. I could just barely hear him asking if they were okay, and they responded coldly towards him.

Poor Brambleclaw, I thought. He was a part of a lie for so many moons now, and he didn't even realize it.

I then watched as Jayfeather padded over to Leafpool, who was hovered over, clearly focused as she was treating someone. I felt a pang of fear as I realized that Thornclaw was sitting beside her, his tail curled around Goldenkit tightly and his eyes wide with worry.

Oh, no. I thought nervously. Where's Snowkit? What's going on?

My worries about the Squirrelflight and Ashfur scandal immediately went away as I thought that one of my kits might be in danger. My motherly instincts rushed through me as I practically ran towards Thornclaw and Leafpool.

I skidded to a halt once I got to them, and I let out a gasp as I saw that Leafpool was indeed hovering over Snowkit, and she was coughing horribly.

Thornclaw looked up at me as I approached. "You're back!" He exclaimed, looking extremely relieved. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm just fine," I reassured the golden tom before looking up at Leafpool and Jayfeather. "What happened? I-is Snowkit okay?"

Leafpool didn't take her eyes off of Snowkit as she explained. "She inhaled a lot of smoke on her way here. I will have to give her some tansy to help with her breathing."

"But will she be okay?" I repeated, not being able to stand the idea that one of my kits could possibly be suffering.

Leafpool finally managed to look up from her work to meet my gaze. "She will be just fine," she answered gently. "I will need to give her some more tansy throughout the night, but she is healthy and strong, and I'm sure that she'll recover quickly."

"Thank StarClan," I breathed as I leaned down and licked Snowkit on her small head. I felt my heart break as she let out a weak, hoarse mew.

"It's going to be okay, darling," I whispered, comforting her. I'll be right here with you.

I then flinched as Snowkit let out a few loud coughs before closing her eyes. I grew nervous all over again as I noticed that her breaths were fast and shallow. 

"What's wrong with her?" Thornclaw meowed, his voice shaking as he pulled Goldenkit closer, her eyes wide.

Leafpool briefly nodded to my mate before returning her gaze to Snowkit. "It's alright, we just need to act fast," she murmured as she pulled out some tansy from her little stock. She nodded to Jayfeather, who then managed to open Snowkit's mouth as Leafpool placed the herb inside.

I narrowed my eyes as I watched Jayfeather work, wondering how he was feeling right now, but his blind gaze was expressionless. Even though he wasn't the most talkative cat by a landslide, he had been strangely silent since arriving here. Which I can definitely understand, I thought.

As Jayfeather let Snowkit's mouth close, she began to immediately chew on the tansy before swallowing. I sighed with relief as almost immediately her breaths were becoming slower and stronger.

I padded over to Thornclaw and Goldenkit, settling down on Goldenkit's other side as I leaned my head on Thornclaw's shoulder.

"Thank StarClan," I breathed as we watched our daughter sleep soundly. I gently stroked her flank with my tail before nodding to Leafpool. "Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver."

Leafpool purred and then shrugged. "Well, it's what I'm here for," she meowed as she began to pad away, Jayfeather following. "I'll be back to check on her later. Let me know if she starts coughing again."

"Will do!" I called back to Leafpool before returning my gaze back to Snowkit, who now had Thornclaw wrapped around her, his tail bringing her closer to him. Goldenkit excitedly padded over before snuggling in next to her sister.

I felt so much emotion rise in my throat as I saw this. Thornclaw is the most amazing mate and the most amazing father that I could ever ask for, I thought, overwhelmed with affection. And it's so clear that Snowkit and Goldenkit love him too.

As I stared at the three of them lovingly, Thornclaw looked up at me and nodded his head as if to tell me to join them.

Deciding that I could finally relax a little bit, I stretched out and yawned before curling up around the kits, so that Thornclaw and I had them safe almost in a little cocoon of sorts.

I let my head lie down as I sighed with relief, and I felt Thornclaw rest his muzzle on my head as I meowed, "You're safe, the kits are safe," I whispered. "Everyone's safe."

"Yes, they are, don't worry," Thornclaw whispered back. "The worst of this is already behind us."

Even though Thornclaw wouldn't be able to see, I narrowed my eyes as I watched Squirrelflight talking with Brambleclaw, and then Ashfur as he glared back at them.

The worst of this fire may be behind us, I thought, but what about with Ashfur and Squirrelflight? Is Ashfur really going to reveal Squirrelflight's secret to everyone?

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