21. The Proposing Dare

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So, I was finally here in Delhi, in Manik's house, sitting in the dinning table with his rest of his family members , sharing food.
I just wanted someone to break my bubble and take me back to reality. I nohow could believe that this was actually happening. Manik didn't even give me my every answer. He kept ignoring.

I was sitting between Mukti and Aanya facing Manik and Rehan.

I was wearing Aanya's dress right now and to my surprise, her dress fitted me perfectly.

Manik's grand parents were so warm and welcoming. I never had any grandparent and I wondered how my childhood would be if I had one.

However, I just wanted this night to end - not because I had to stay here, trust me - Manik's family was amazing - but, I was feeling exhausted.

Currently, they had been asking me so many questions. They asked me about our tests. I got to know Rehan failed in Math test. Manik's aunt scolded him for that . Moms.

"Your dad... What does he do? " Manik's grandpa asked.

"He was a scientist" I said proudly as I smiled, then put food in my mouth.

"What's his name? " Manik's aunt asked me.

"Sanjay Murthy" I said as I tried not to think about the past again.

As soon as I said, Manik's aunt gasped as if she just remembered something.

"Are you seriously his daughter? " she asked, her tone surprising.

"Why, Kyra, do you know him? " Manik's grandma asked.

"Mom, she... I mean... Her father was very good friend of Rohan"

I caught my breath. That meant they knew my father. I looked at Manik who had the same expressions like me. Shocked.

Rohan..... I didn't know the person.

"Who is Rohan? "

"Our dad....! " Mukti said, beside me. Her voice came out more like a regret I guessed. I didn't see Mukti's dad since I came here. I wanted to ask but decided against it.

Everything fell silence for a moment. Manik's aunt, and the grand parents discussed about something which I didn't catch. My mind was pre-occupied with the previous thoughts.

We were eating in silence until I heard Rehan distracting our attention towards him.

"hmm... Nandini, You say your Manik's friend,then he must have told you how he was in his childhood "

I shook my head. Manik's eyes widened as he looked at Rehan. Manik's eyes threatening Rehan. He laughed a little.

"Manik ... Why bro, why didn't you share your memorable moments with her? "

Manik rolled his eyes at Rehan. Ignoring Manik, Rehan turned towards me.

"Manik was afraid of butterflies when he was little" Rehan said as Mukti vigorously shook his head in agreement. Manik's face flashed like a freaking lobster.

AWww ....

He looked at my side, but when he caught me staring at him, he darted his gaze away.

"And, the most... He went to kiss a 35 year old lady at the age of 5 as he wanted to marry her "

"shut up, I didn't want to marry him. She-" he tried to defend but was cut off.

"We know Manik what exactly you wanted " Manik smirked.

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