Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The sunlight streamed onto my sleeping face, struggling to wake me of my peaceful slumber. I groaned and rolled over, hiding from morning. It was another typical summer day. The parents were out on a hike, and my siblings were out doing who knows what. I was one of 4 children- two older, one younger. The older children were already in college--free to live their own lives while I was stuck under the watchful eye of my parents. My younger brother was two and already a pain in the neck. My mother was a stay at home mom who tutored and worked small jobs in free time and my dad worked as a boring accountant. I had just finished my sophomore year and would be a senior next fall. Yes, I was one of those smarty pants students who skipped a grade. Not only did I skip a grade, but I would be attending my schools biggest enemy-Roseville High. How ironic. To top it off-I would be a senior who STILL hadn't had her first kiss. Or a boyfriend. John, my crush last year, had broken my heart when he asked out a girl I knew very well. My best friend, Marissa. Now do you understand why my life sucks?

Standing in front of the mirror, I had to admit I didn't look half bad. Aside from the bed head nest I call my hair, I thought that I had definitely improved from last year. Previously, I had short mousy brown hair that stood straight down to my shoulders, but at a free field hockey camp my mother made me go to, the girls given me a complete makeover. After growing out my hair, I had golden honey blonde hair that I had learned to curl to perfection. I had also learned the magnificent tricks of how to wear eyeliner, mascara-the whole works. I had never been ugly, but I had never been known as anything but average. Working for months at local fabric store, I earned enough money to go on a spree with my field hockey friends who made me buy things I never thought I would. They even made me buy sexy lingerie I would have never had even looked at before! Also during the summer, I had gone from a B to a C cup, finally feeling more womanly and not like a little girl-as I had been previously called. Today I was planning on working on my tan by lying in the hammock with a good book. I plopped onto the hammock, the gentle swaying and summer breeze felt great against my skin. Just as I begun to get into the book, I heard on lawn mower rev up. "You have got to be kidding me." I mumbled, sitting up and angrily peering around the street for the culprit. Across the street stood a tall, and tan boy-maybe a year or two older then I was. He had short golden brown hair and a body that would make any girl swoon. His muscles rippled as he maneuvered the machine and I couldn't help but stare. I was going to like this town. 

He looked like a god. I would've stared at him all day drooling if my phone hadn't beeped, waking me of the trance. I suddenly realized how unattractive I looked at the moment. Quick as a flash, I was out of the hammock and in the house, running to go do my hair and change into something a little more flattering. I took of my pajamas and threw on a tank top and some shorts so I wouldn't look like a try hard, and then put my hair into a cute bun. I didn't want to look scandalous, but there was nothing wrong with looking cute if the hot-neighbor happened to look my direction. I casually went back outside and onto the hammock, taking a quick peek at my new neighbor. And a good thing, too. At that very moment, the hot-neighbor begun to strip off his sweaty shirt. I felt like I was a peeping tom, but I couldn't help but watch him and stare at his rock hard abs glisten in the sunlight. Of course he would be toned underneath that shirt. "JAKEEEEE!" I heard a woman yell from the hot-neighbor's house. I quickly snapped my head down and pretended to be interested in my book while watching the hot-neighbor from the corner of my eyes. A pretty, middle aged woman came from the front door and talked to the hot-neighbor--I mean Jake. A minute later, she walked back into the house, and Jake turned the lawn mower back on to finish the work. I watched him from a distance, feeling creepy and stalkerish. The last thing I wanted was for him to see me gaping, so I turned my back to him and begun to settle into my book for real--putting the thoughts of Jake out of my mind.


Sasha Pieterse as Cat. Beautiful as always! 

SORRY SO SHORT! The rest of the chapters will be long I swear!

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