Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The relentless pounding on my door was the only reason I cracked my eyes open the next morning. Wait, that pounding wasn't coming from the door. It was inside my head. I groaned, rubbing my head, and rolled over to find a cool spot on my pillow. But something was preventing me from doing so. I squinted, and saw a lump under the covers. A MALE lump. What did I do?! Had I ....given my virginity to him? I tried hard not to panic, and slowly lifted the blanket off his face and saw.....Jake Ryan.

I screamed, and used my feet to quickly shove him off the bed and onto the floor.

He grunted, and looking around, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"What the hell Kitty, are you insane!" He grumbled, glaring at me.

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED! DID YOU DRUG ME LAST NIGHT! I CAN'T BELIE-" I yelled at him, using a pillow to smack him in the face. He grabbed the pillow and smacked my arm. 

"Will you cut that out and let me tell you what happened before you go all female on me?" He said giving me a look of disgust.

I crossed my legs, folded my hands into my lap, and sat patiently. "Fine. Please, tell me what happened." 

Jake rolled his eyes, but told me. "Okay well you and AJ were a little..close last night. I may have threatened him a little. Then you went freakin' crazy and did about 6 shots of vodka, and started dancing up against Luke. Do you remember that? We tried to get you to go and sleep but you wouldn't. Then you pushed yourself onto AJ and asked asked him to be your first kiss.." He trailed off, awkwardly glancing at me. 

My cheeks were on fire, as I realized that everyone knew I still hadn't had my first kiss. I cleared my throat, and looked at the floor. "Well, then what hapened?"

"You kissed me on the cheek and passed out." Jake said, looking at my face.

So it was Jake that I had kissed. On the cheek. How embarrassing. I felt the bed dip beside me, and Jake put a hand on my knee. It was then I realized I only had a big t shirt on. And just underwear. My cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of red. "Um..who changed me into these pajamas.?" I asked casually. To my surprise, Jake flushed a little himself.

"Well Luke and I snuck you into your house, and after he left I put you in some pajamas." He said, blushing and smirking at the same time.

I groaned loudly. "PLEASE tell me you didn't look. PLEASE." 

His blush grew deeper and I could see it growing down his neck. "Well, yeah, I had too. I couldn't see what I was doing. But I won't lie and say that I didn't fully enjoy myself." He said with a cheeky grin. 

I rolled my eyes, the awkwardness of the situation fading due to his childish jokes. "Well, thanks Jake." I stretched and lied back down, my eyelids drooping a little. My head was beginning to throb again and I felt nauseous. I rubbed my temples and snuggled back down in my comforter. Jake was lying there next to me, and he quietly shifted over to climb out of my bed. As soon as Jake moved, I felt chilly and empty.

"Hey, why don't you just stay over? It's not like you have anything else to do this morning." I mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed. He grinned, and cuddled closer to me.

"Thanks Kitty, I was just waiting for you to beg for me in bed. I knew it would happen." He smirked, resting his forehead against mine. I narrowed my eyes at him but chuckled anyways. "You're a freak, you know that Ryan?" I whispered, as he pulled me towards him. "Yeah, yeah." He replied, and stroked his thumb against my shoulder as I drifted into dreamland. 


I woke up and the first thing that I saw was Jake's dark eyelashes and the slight furrow in his brow as he slept. His tousled hair was adorable, and as I pulled a lock of hair off his forehead, he smiled as my skin brushed his. "Cat, I think I'm falling in love with you.." he mumbled, and sighed through his nose. My body went rigid, and my eyes grew wide. What did he just say? Did he admit to loving me?! I shook his arm gently, and he stretched his arms out and smacked his lips before letting out a little snore. He really was asleep...which meant what? Was he really falling for me or was it a coincidental dream? Now I felt even more puzzled then I ever did about him. I admit that I liked hanging out with him, our playful banter made me laugh and he brightened my day. There was just something about him that made me want to get closer to him, to know more about him. But then there was that Caroline girl. It's no surprise that the two of them were dating, I mean they were just that perfect couple. The star football player and the bouncy popular cheerleader. Suddenly, Jake shuddered a little and the bit of his ice blue eyes peeked at me. He rubbed his face and opened his eyes fully, and my heart skipped a beat when his sparkling blue eyes gazed into my own. He was so beautiful it hurt me to look at his face, it seemed to be impossible to be that godlike. I now knew at this moment, that I didn't feel this way with Luke. He was an amazing guy and I loved him, but Jake...there was something in me that stirred when I looked in his eyes. A part of me burned to admit I felt something for him, but I kept pushing it down and keeping it sealed inside me. 

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