Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. Had I really fallen asleep again? At least I didn't feel so hungover, the pounding in my head had finally ceased. I noticed that Jake wasn't next to me, so he must have gone home. I sat up and straightened out my blankets, feeling something hard underneath the sheets. I fished it out of the tangle of blankets, and pulled it out. It was Jake's phone. I sighed and clicked the home screen, and the picture of him and Luke popped up under the screen. I swiped to unlock it, but I was faced with a keypad. Damn it. I tapped my finger against my chin, thinking of what his passcode could be. I tried the typical codes, 1111, 2580, 0000. The phone buzzed each time I incorrectly put in a code. Frustrated I typed it 5253, which spelt Jake. It worked. Laughing to myself, I flipped through his apps, seeing bike racing games, and typical boy things. Feeling sneaky, I opened up his text messages, scrolling until I saw a name I recognized. Luke Heinz.

I eagerly opened up Luke's texts, and read their past conversations with interest. 

Luke: Yo how's it going

Jake: Same old, same old. just met the new neighbor, shes hot

Luke: whats her name

Jake: cat

Luke: u gonna introduce me?

Jake: ill set u guys up, shes not my type 

Luke: not to mention you already have gf bro

Jake: so? ;)

My heart sank when I read what Jake had said about me. She's not my type. Even though I felt a slight twinge of disapointment, I read on. Their next conversation was after school had been let out, when I was getting ready for the party with Anna. 

Jake: whyd u take her home

Luke: i offered, y

Luke: what about caroline

Jake: what about her

Luke: you cant keep thinking about her if youre dating caroline

Jake: im not

Luke: alright man cause im into her, i thinking im going to ask her out 

Jake: fine. you do that. 

After reading that, my mind seemed blank. Why wasn't I excited that Luke was going to ask me out? 

You know why

I felt crazy I was having conversations with myself, and I tried to ignore the voice in my head. You're upset that Jake doesn't like you more than a friend. You want Jake. I closed my eyes and sighed. Picking up my phone, I dialed Anna's number cautiously. I had just met her but I wanted to talk to someone,  I didn't know what to do. 

"Hey Anna, its Cat"

"Cat! What's up? What happened at the party last night?"

"Ugh long story. I have a problem." 

I then spent the next hour telling her all about what had happened at the party, afterwards, and what I read on Jake's phone. 

"And now I don't know why I'm so upset, but I just am. Luke is so hot, and perfect and sweet but why am I not happy that he likes me?" I asked, feeling the prickle of tears behind my eyes. 

"Come to me with a harder problem next time. The answer is simple." She said, sounding proud.

"What!? Tell me!" I said, frustrated and anxious.

"You love Jake." 


As I nibbled on a bagel downstairs, I kept thinking about what Anna had said. I loved Jake. Catherine Hart loves Jake Ryan. Catherine Hart, unexperienced and a loser, loves Jake Ryan, star football player and most popular boy at the school. 

"Where did you find that?" 

I screamed, whipping around, my arm making contact with a body. My heart pounding, I looked to see Jake standing behind me, rubbing his arm where I had just hit him. 

"Geez, do you always give people this type of greeting?" He asked, taking the seat in front of me. My mouth grew dry as I went back into my thoughts. The boy you love is sitting across from you. 

"" I stammered, casually glancing down as I set his phone down on the table. "You left it in my bed." My face grew hot as I realized how that sounded. 

Jake didn't seem to notice anything, and he picked up his phone and slid it into his pocket. "Thanks, I was looking for it all over." 

"No problem." I mumbled, poking at the bagel in front of me. Could I be anymore awkward? Maybe I didn't have to tell him I liked him, I could casusally ask him to hang out or something?

"Do you want to com-" I begun, fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

I was cut off by the sound of his cell phone blaring from his pocket. He held out a finger, and glanced down at his screen. I peered across the table too, and my heart fell when I saw who was trying to reach him. 

"Hey babe, what's up?" Jake said, his deep voice making me swoon a little bit. "No, I'm not doing anything right now. You want to come over? Yeah sure, see you in a hour. Alright. Love you." Jake ended the call, and I blinked hard trying to fight the tears back. He loved her. 

"So you better go, Caroline will be there soon." I said with a slight waver, standing up and walking to the sink. I didn't want him to see my face. 

"Kitty, what's up? I don't have to be there for another hour. Do you not want me to stay or something? What about this morning?" He said, a note of concern in his voice. 

I shut my eyes tight, blocking out the memories of this morning. It was so wrong of me to do anything with him, he had a girlfriend! That he loved. 

"Please, go." I whispered, as a lone tear escaped from my eye. Thank god he couldn't see my face. 

"Tell me to my face," he said, his voice coming from close behind me. 

I clenched my jaw and tears streamed out of my eyes, but I turned around. I could tell he was startled to see me in tears, but he didn't say anything. 

"Leave." I said, trying to keep my face even as I tilted my head back to stare him right in the face. Saying that just brought more tears to my eyes. I felt stupid for falling for him, stupid for crying, and stupid for letting him see that I was upset. 

"I'm not going to leave when you're upset and not telling me why." He said, wiping the tears off of my face. "This morning-" 

"This morning was a mistake. You have a girlfriend and I don't like you in that way." I interuppted, lying to him. 

"So you didn't feel anything this morning? Nothing at all?" Jake said, taking a small step backward. I could tell that he was hurt. Why should it matter to him? I wasn't his type anyways. 

"I felt nothing." 


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