Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I stared at Luke and Jake, glancing back and forth between the two. Jake patted Luke's arm and said in an exaggerated whisper, "she's always like this whenever she gets a look at me." 

That was enough to snap me out of my daze. I smacked Jake's arm, and Luke laughed as Jake pouted--massaging his sore arm. 

"So Cat, do I get to show you around?" He asked me, turning and looking down with those gorgeous green eyes. 

I nodded, and ignored Jake who was still standing there next to us. His back stiffened, and he narrowed his eyes while eyeing us carefully. 

"Why are you showing her around? I think I am more qualified for the job. You see, Cat and I are best friends. So it would make more sense for me to show her around our beloved school." He said, patting my shoulder. I flicked his arm until he took his hand off me. 

"Actually, Jake and I are not friends. The only conversation we have is when I insult him, and he hits on me." 

Luke threw his head back and laughed, much to my pleasure. 

"She's got you there Jake! I like this girl!" He said in between laughs. 

Jake grimaced, and stuck his tongue out at me, while I stood up taller and gave him a cocky smirk. 

Luke shook his head at our childish behavior, and put his hands on each of our shoulders. "You two are too much." 

I pouted, but on the inside I was glowing. The feel of his strong hand on my bare shoulder was like a jolt of electricity, and I wanted to just wrap my arms around him. Woah, that sounded like a hormonal girl. This school was definitely changing me..


Throughout the school day, the three of us walked to every class together. For some unknown reason, whenever Luke saw me, Jake would pop out of nowhere. I knew that he was a little jealous with having to share little ole me, and I was planning on using that against him as much as I possibly could. 

        I walked to lunch alone, and I was planning on grabbing something from the line, and speedily making my way to the library. I slipped through the doors and into the line, feeling a little awkward. I had always hated going to lunch because I never had any friends but Maddy. Self concious and upset about eating at a big empty table alone, watching people share seats at other tables rather then sit with me, I would sneak into the library and eat my lunch in the back section. Eventually, I was caught by the librarian who took pity on me. She understood I had no friends, and turned a blind eye when I came in everyday. I cleaned up after myself, and she always gave me a candy before I left each day. It was a sweet relationship I had with that woman, and I hoped this librarian could understand the struggles of being a nerd. Luckily, they served the same salads I had loved at Wayridge High and I grabbed one before anyone else could snatch it up. The line moved as slow as ever, and I watched the clusters of people congregating at the tables in my time. Girls squealed and hugged one another, and glanced at the boys whom they secretly liked. The guys talked and flexed their muscles, hoping the girls that they liked would notice. It was strange, looking in at the high school life. I felt like I was outside in the cold, peering through a window. I was behind the bars, watching the people enjoying and living life freely. I have to admit, my eyes watering a little and I blinked hard, shaking the feelings I had. I was a nerd, plain and simple. There was no beating around the bush. This was my life and I just had to deal with it. 


By the time I paid the cashier, the tables were pretty much already full. My legs were itching to toss the tray and run to the library, where nobody would judge me and I wouldn't feel self concious. Instead, I slowly went up to a table of girls and stood there with a half-smile on my face. 

"H-Hey, could I sit with you guys?" I asked, my voice trembling a little. 

The girls stopped talking and turned to stare at me. I could feel them judging me, but not necessarily in a bad way. The girl closest to me smiled, and patted the empty seat on her left.

"Of course! Are you new here?" She said perkily. 

I let out a breath, relieved, and sat down next to her. 

"Uh huh, I just moved here from another town a few weeks ago. I'm Catherine by the way, but just call me Cat."

They seemed interested in me, and friendly. I was introduced to the girls, and I listened hard to remember their names. Mary had long brown hair and rosy cheeks, she was fashionable and loved shoe shopping. Anna was gorgeous, she had tan skin (she was half native american) and wavy raven colored hair. Then there was Meredith, she was adorable with blonde hair, big blue eyes and a big smile. 

"So I saw you with Luke and Jake today, which one do you have the hots for?" Meredith asked me.

"If it were me, I would go for the both of them." Anna decided, causing a laugh out of all of us. 

"Seriously though, how in the world were you lucky enough to get the two hottest guys at our school?" Mary asked. "I've tried talking to Jake, but he didn't even respond to me."

I sighed, sharing my story with the girls. "Sadly, Jake is my neighbor, and has made it his goal in life to annoy the crap out of me. I met Luke today, we have some classes together." 

"Lucky bitch," Meredith said sighing in jealousy. 

"You try going a day with Jake Ryan constantly bugging you and get back to me- if you're still alive." I said, trying to convince her. 

"Honey, I would if I could. But you are so pretty, I mean I'm not surprised that they both like you. And you're new." She replied honestly, and the other girls nodded. 

I opened my mouth in shock, and mild horror. "You guys are gorgeous! Literally every girl I pass in the hallway looks like a frickin' model." 

Anna shook her head, "there's something about you though. All the guys just want to tap that." 

I laughed and squirmed, a little embarrassed. 

"So are you guys going to Mike's party tonightttt?!" Mary asked us, thankfully changing the subject. 

Everyone squealed and agreed, making plans to meet at Anna's house to get ready. I sat there a little quiet, because I didn't want to butt in. I just met them, so it would take a little while for me to be a part of things. I was fine with it though, I didn't want to go to the party anyway. 

"Hellooo, Cat? Earth to Cat." Meredith said, waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked, and looked at her. "Do you know where Anna's house is?"

"Um no, I'm not going to the party though." I said, but happy to be included.

They stared at me like I had something on my face. "HOW COULD YOU NOT!" Anna and Mary screeched in unison. 

"I'm not a party girl!" I exclaimed, laughing at the look on their faces.

"Who cares, you're coming. You gotta look hot for Jake and Luke, and claim your man. End of story." Mary said stubbornly.

And it was, because at that second, Luke and Jake were coming over to our table, with their eyes dead set on me. 


WHOO HOOO!!! The first chapter that I have written by scratch with this new plot. What to you guys think? Yes or No? COMMENT, VOTE, MESSAGE! 

 My contest is still going on. The person with the most votes/comments wins! 

Also I am having a contest for movie trailers and book covers. It's the same thing, whoever has the best book cover or movie trailer wins the prize! I saved up my allowance for a month to buy it, so I hope whoever the winner is enjoys it! 


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