Chapter 13

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Dedicated to ari_foote. She's a GREAT writer, and she writes romance books too. PLEASE CHECK OUT HER STUFF GUYS!

Okay quick recap. Jake is over at Cat's house, and they're talking about what happened earlier that morning. She realizes that she likes him, even though he is SUPER annoying. She read his phone conversation with Jake, and he said that she wasn't his type. So now Cat is lying and saying she feels nothing for him, because Jake has a girlfriend. Now, on to the story! 


Matthew: Football player. Tall, green eyes, Mary's "boy."

Eduardo: Football player. Enrique Iglesias look alike. Anna's guy. 

Chapter 13 

"I feel nothing." 

I couldn't believe I just flat out lied like that to him. Whatever, it was for his own good. I loved him, he loved Caroline. So that was it. Jake stared at me and I had to take slow and deep breaths to keep myself from showing anything on my face. 

"Okay, well I'm going to go home I guess. Text ya later." Jake mumbled, turning away from me and walking out the door silently. 

I sunk down to the ground, tears flooding my eyes and dropping slowly down my face and onto my shirt. Love stinks. 

An hour later, my face was clear of tears and my face was red-free. Mary and Anna were coming over later to watch some movies and hang out, but that would be in a couple hours. My parents had come home and pestered me about the party, so I told them it was fun. I really didn't want to get into detail though. I picked up a book sitting on the pile on my nightstand and was about to dig into it, but my phone vibrated in my pocket. I plucked it out and glanced down at the screen. Jake. Why was he calling? Curiosity gnawed at my stomach, but I fought the urge to answer. I stuffed it underneath my pillow and picked up my book again, trying to ignore the buzzing of my phone. It finally ceased, and I relaxed back a little bit. I flipped through the pages, and had almost finished a page when my phone began to vibrate again. I dug it out from underneath the pillows and turned it onto silent. There. I set it down beside me, and went to open the window to let the warm breeze into my room. It still smelt like Jake's delicious cologne. It had taken all of my willpower not to bury my face into the pillow beside me, but I could still smell him just next to me. I opened the window and something smacked my face right as I did. 

"OW!" I yelled, covering my face. Sheltering the eye that was hit, I glared angrily around outside looking for something. Or someone. Standing underneath my window, was none other than Jake himself. 

"What are you trying to do, blind me?" I whispered angrily, still covering my eye. 

He looked guiltily up at me. "I didn't know you were going to open the window." He climbed the pillar of my house like some sort of monkey, and swung myself onto the ledge outside my window. I just stared at him and he sat patiently, like this was a normal, everyday occurance. 

"Well?" He asked, looking at me expectantly. 

"Well..what?" I said, blinking at him. 

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked, waiting for me to answer. 

I made sure that my door was closed and locked, then opened the window wider for him. "Sure. Come in." I said, giving him room to climb through. 

It took him a minute because of his long legs and broad shoulders, but he squeezed through into my room. I sat down on the bed, looking up at him. 

"So what's up?" I asked him, tapping my fingers on my knee. 

"Why weren't you answering the phone?" He said, glancing down on my bed. He saw my phone lying on my bed, and I quickly pushed it out of sight. 

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