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A/N: I am taking over the story Isabella Fire from the writer wearwolf098. I hope you like it. It is tweaked from the original version do if you don't like it then don't read it.

My name is Isabella Fire. I didn't want to keep the last name Swan so I replaced it. Laurent changed me and ran, I've been trying to find him ever since he did and that was 72 years ago so that makes me 90 years old. He knows how to hide well. I checked up with the Denali's but they said he never came around anymore. I was staying clear of the Volturi knowing that they would want me for my gifts. Yes gifts; I can control the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air, I can make anyone see what I want them to see, I can make other people feel as if they are in pain, I know when anyone is lying to me, I can teleport, I have telekinesis, I can also control the weather and nature, I can erase memories, I have telepathy, and I can tell other vampires what gifts they have. That's the gust of my gifts without going into much detail. I haven't run across the Cullens and I hope I never do. They left me but Edward wanted to leave me broken in the forest. I stupidly ran after him and got lost until I saw Laurent. He asked why I was in the forest at this time of night and just attacked. I could see regret in his eyes before he did and knew he didn't want to kill me but was ordered to. I don't blame him for anything, I don't blame Jasper for anything, I blame Edward for everything that has happened to me. He wanted to keep me safe but what was doing by leaving me. Victoria was still out with Laurent and he left me alone and defenseless. I was in agony for three days and I woke up alone. I didn't want to be like the Cullens so I drank human blood; but only the blood of murders, rapists, and the extremely ill that won't last the week. Basically the criminals of the towns I visit. I feel as if I'm helping everyone by lowering the criminal count and keeping innocent people safe. I haven't gotten on the Volturi's radar yet but I have a feeling that will happen soon. I have traveled the whole U.S. and have met some pretty interesting vampires and some humans who were brave enough to talk to me. I have developed a coven but we are a bit big so we split off for a while and come back together. This is one of those times now. The whole coven and I are together in the Amazon. We decided that a vacation was needed. In total there are 12 members; Lilly and Luke(picture for chapter), Vanessa and Nick, Ashley and Alex, Brandy and Brandon, Lena and Thomas, and Saphire and Dallas. I won't tell their stories because they aren't my stories to tell. We met the vampires of the Amazon and they were surprised by the size of our coven and were fearful because we are very powerful. I would say we could take down the Volturi but I am comfortable with life right now. If they stepped out of line then, well we will cross that bridge when we get there.

"Isabella, come on! I'm hungry!" Well, there's my cue.

"I'm coming, Luke."

"Well hurry up!"

"Now remember, we have to split to different areas so that we don't raise suspicion. Come back by sunrise." They left before I finished my sentence and I laughed. They are so impatient. I ran North, toward Panama. I was going into the U.S. for some food. I heard of some major population loss so I'm going to check it out before I hunt. I made it to the capital and tuned my ears for any screams that would indicate a murder in progress. I heard something to my left and took off. I saw a man holding a woman and was draining her of blood. Great, a vampire problem! I just watched, knowing that I wouldn't be able to save her, until she was dropped to the ground carelessly. He turned around and growled. Blood was dripping from his chin and onto his clothes and the woman had blood pooling around her but it stopped short because of the lack of blood in her body.

"Messy aren't you?" His eyes widened and he bowed with his neck out in surrender. I took a good look at him from what I could see. He had a good build with an olive skin tone. His hair was messed with blood in it. So messy... I went forward and brought him off the ground and looked at his face. He knew who I was but I didn't know who he was.

"How do you know me?"

"E-Edward-" I squeezed his neck and his head fell from his body. What was he up to? I cleaned up the vampire and the mess he made and hunted myself.

I came back just as the sun was coming up over the horizon. I didn't talk the my coven as I walked through the door so they knew something was up. They followed me up the stairs and into the study that I used to keep an eye for the Cullens. I needed to make sure none of them were being stupid. Edward is stirring trouble up and I didn't like it. I knew electronics so I put a GPS tracker on Carlisle's laptop that he always carried. They were at the Volturi! I flipped the desk and my coven moved just in time as it hit the wall. I growled and snarled angrily at nothing except my thoughts. Why is he being difficult and going to the Volturi?

"Looks like we're making a trip. Go pack!" Everyone left except Saphire. She came forward and I let her take my head in her hands. I felt my anger go away and I felt calm.

"Thank you, Saphire." I smiled at her and she forced one back and left to get my anger out of her. I don't like that she does that but she doesn't mind. I packed my bag and made our reservations for the plane ride to Volterra. I then called Aro.

"Hello Aro."

"Isabella! What do I have the honor to speak about?"

"I'm coming up. Get 7 rooms ready please and preferably all in one hall." I then hung up and got everyone on the plane. We have a private plan with a vampire pilot. We couldn't really have a human one.

"Volterra here we come."

Isabella Fire(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now