Chapter 1

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A/N: This will all be in Bella's POV but I might change it. I'm not sure yet so for now it's all in Bella's POV.

I wish there was another way to do this. I didn't want to face them yet; I wan't ready. I stood in front of the Volturi with my coven and Aro was staring me down.

"I've heard a great deal about you Isabella."

"I'm sure you have." I stared back at him and he flinched. I still haven't forgiven and forgot about my last days of my human life. He must have saw that I was numb. I knew Saphire wanted to take that away but I didn't want her to.

"Isabella!" I gasped and broke out of my trance. I was giving myself an illusion to occupy myself and I guess it got out of hand. I saw that we stopped and everyone was waiting for me. I got my luggage and was first off the plane. We were at a private airport thanks to the Volturi. Jane and Alec were waiting for us and they led us to a huge limo for my whole coven. Saphire gave me a look and I shook my head no. She grimaced and looked away. She's very concerned for me and I appreciate that.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked me when the window was rolled up between us and the twins. I just nodded my head yes. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he gently hugged me to him. We were close and he knew when to stop or keep going. I kept leaning onto him and he kept holding me. It wasn't an awkward silence but it was comfortable.

It didn't take long for us to reach the Volturi Castle. What Edward said about it didn't do it justice. It was a magnificent structure and it was still standing. I wonder what they used for it to stay up for all these years? I was brought out of my thoughts by the limo door opening.

"Welcome to The Volturi Castle." Alec held the door open for everyone while his sister took us up to the throne room. I knew the Cullens were here but I want to know for what purpose. The doors opened and Aro was talking with Caius about something that even I couldn't hear.

"Master." Jane bowed and I told my coven to as well.

"Thank you Jane. Ahh, Isabella. It's so nice to finally meet you after all I've heard."
"Good things I hope? I actually need to talk to you in private so if you don't mind where are our rooms for our stay?"

"Of course. Felix, take Isabella's coven to their rooms while we have a chat." Aro led me to the library to a different section then the rest.

"So what is it you want to talk about young Isabella?"

"Where are the Cullens?"

"They are visiting, why do you ask?"

"My name got out to the vampire population and I wanna know who. I'm sure you know so why don't you spill the beans already?" He contemplated; looking at me then back to the ground and back again.

"Well...I have seen in Edward's mind about your relationship to him but that is where I heard you from. The rest of the Cullen's minds are filled with you so I'm not sure where someone would know you became a vampire. Is there anyone else that might know you're a vampire?"

"Lots but they don't know-nevermind. I'm going to my room." I ran before he could protest. I then realized I didn't know where my room was. I knew where the courtyard is so I just stayed out there until on of my coven members found me.
"Bella?" I was enjoying the piece and quiet until someone ruined it. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Alice. I closed my eyes again and hoped she would go away. Instead I felt my waist being squeezed. I panicked and used my powers. She yelped back in pain. I heated up my body to keep her away.
"What are you doing here, Alice?" I spit out between my teeth.
"I thought you...died. No one is like they were 70 years ago; Rosalie is sad, Emmett doesn't make jokes anymore, Jasper and I have to live apart from the family because I'm not leaving him to deal with the emotions himself, Carlisle is always at work, and Esme doesn't do anything because she locked herself in her and Carlisle's room." Now I felt sad for the coven I once called my family...but I can't feel sorry for them. They left me so why are they sad?
"He didn't tell you did he?"
"Tell us what?" Jasper came up behind Alice and gave me a quizzical look.
"Edward left me in the forest because he said that I was just a pet. That you all were better off without having to deal with a human." I left them there and went in search of my room.

"Isa!" I found Lilly running down the hall and she looked frazzled.
"What happened now?" I knew something, always, happens when I'm gone.
"Nick." I followed her down the hall, zooming down it and past the Cullen's, to the rooms of my coven. I saw Nick using his power on Luke now.
"Nicholas!" He looked scared so he put Luke down.
"Sorry Isa..."
"Clean up the mess you made, now!" He hurriedly started cleaning the room while Lilly showed me my room for the time being. It had a king size bed with red silk sheets and cherry-colored accessories. A flat screen TV was above the fireplace and it had an en suite bathroom and walk in closet. At least Aro has some style. I thanked her and started unpacking. I didn't have that much clothing so it didn't take long. I did, however, had most of my books with me. It gets lonely at night. A knock sounded on my door so it must be someone from my coven. Was I in for a shock when I opened my door.

Author's Note
I know you must hate me for the ending but that's where my thoughts went. Who do you think is bothering Bella this time? Comment who and if you get it correct then I'll mention you in the next chapter for getting it correct. I'll have the next chapter up soon so look out for it. Bye bye!

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