Chapter 8

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A/N: I know it's been a while but I've been soooo busy with school and work and I just now am finding time to sit down and write again. If I don't write after the next chapters then just blow up the fan page that is on Facebook. I'll be sure to get my but in gear again. For now, onward my fellow companions...

Previously on Isabella Fire....

Everything was quiet for a while until the silence was broken by a shrill scream. Bella had her back arched and was wearing a horrified expression. A black mist came from her open mouth and crawled out to an area to form into a full grown woman. Her hair was black as night with ruby red lips and the darkest blue eyes that anyone has ever seen. She had porcelain pale skin and a curvy and lean figure. She had clothes on that were all black and knee high boots that were black as well. Her corset was tight and the skirt that followed seemed to flow around her, complementing her figure even more.

"Hello Isabella." Her voice was so attractive that most of the men in the room leaned forward to hear more of her. Bella was just lying on the floor in shock with her eyes stuck on the figure that came out of her mouth. The figure sneered at Bella and stepped towards her.

"W-Who are you?" Bella scooted back away from the figure while it chuckled darkly.

"Why I'm The Executioner." The Executioner then shot out a hand at Bella and she was folding in on herself in pain. Bella kept screaming out but no one could do anything. Everyone tried moving but it seemed that we were stuck to the floor. The door opened and the little girl that was found walked in....

I gasped from the vision. No! This can't be happening! She's supposed to be the cure to all this and she's going to kill herself. I got to my feet and ran out the door. Wait, I don't even know where she is! I looked into Bella's future and saw she was in Cairo, Egypt. Really? I shook my head in disbelief and kept running.

I got a call from Stephenie saying to meet her in the heart of Cairo, Egypt. What in the world has she gotten herself into? I got out and into my car and sped to an airport. I booked a flight to Cairo, Egypt and waited for the plane.

"Master, David called and he needs us in Cairo, Egypt." Jane told me and my brothers.

"Did he say why specifically?"

"No, he wouldn't discuss it over the phone." I growled in frustration and ordered for everyone to get ready. Bella has gotten herself into real trouble and she needs our help. It's happening...

~Aro's POV~

This didn't feel right. I didn't have to read anyone else's mind to know that they thought that as well. We were going to be late and I feared that. I promised with my life that I would protect Isabella even if she has an ulterior figure inside from all the pain that anyone has caused her but that was only from her human life. Edward was a big part of it because she needed to forgive him to be able to defeat The Executioner. Most of the other pain is from high school but that shouldn't be a problem. Edward was the only problem, like always. I could hear screams when we reached the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt and knew something was very bad. I jumped out of the car and started running towards the screams and gasped when I saw Eleazar's home coming out. I could see a figure through a window laughing and knew it was The Executioner. I increased my speed and threw the door off its hinges. The laughter stopped and glared in my direction. It hissed and threw a mist my way. I jumped out of the way but it kept throwing black mist at me. I was missing each mist but one wrapped around my ankle and kept me in place. More black mist came at me and held me by my ankles and wrists. I looked around for Isabella and found her in the floor near the stairs. She was looking at what was happening but at the same time she wasn't. I yelled her name but she didn't even flinch or acknowledge me. I struggled against the mist but it was useless.

"The more you struggle that more tighter it will get." I winced when more pressure was put on my ankles and wrists. I saw Edward on the floor close to Bella and yelled for him. His gaze turned towards me and he was scared. His skin was pale white and his eyes were wide.

"Listen to me Edward! Bella has to forgive you! You caused her the most pain and that's why this is happening but there are others that made this happen! Don't just blame yourself for this, please help her!" A black mist covered my mouth and The Executioner spoke again;

"You talk too much!" I could feel pressure on my neck and struggled to get free. A scream then broke through all the noise and made The Executioner stop. Bella was at the front door and stared daggers at her alter ego. Her eyes softened when she glanced at Edward though and I smiled through the pain.
"No one hurts anyone I love." She spoke so low I had to strain to hear her. She held out her hands in front of her and concentrated. No! She can't do what I think she's about to.
"No Isabella!" Her eyes opened to show fully black pupils and her mouth opened, breaking her jaw. The Executioner screamed when Bella started sucking her back in. The black mist holding me let go and I hurried to Edward. I moved him out of the way to Carlisle and had him hold onto Edward. I turned back to Bella and The Executioner was halfway back in her body. I closed my eyes and entered Bella's mind and told her what I was doing.
I'm sorry.
I let myself go to the darkness and let The Executioner into me. I could feel pain radiate throughout my body but I stayed still. I could now hear The Executioner's laughter and her mockery. She kept saying how stupid I was for letting me in.
I knew what happened next was bound to happen sooner or later. Bella had her hands on either side of my head and she pulled me apart.

I know I'm late for this update but I hope to get the next part up by the end of this week or early next week. Tell me what you think in the comments and share your love this Christmas but voting this story and following me to see what's new or if anyone want's to do any collaborations just PM me.
Happy Holidays!

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