Chapter 2

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Congrats to @torifount13 for the only guess I got and it was correct. Let's read on shall we?

Previously on Isabella Fire

  "Isa!" I found Lilly running down the hall and she looked frazzled.
"What happened now?" I knew something, always, happens when I'm gone.
"Nick." I followed her down the hall, zooming down it and past the Cullen's, to the rooms of my coven. I saw Nick using his power on Luke now.
"Nicholas!" He looked scared so he put Luke down.
"Sorry Isa..."
"Clean up the mess you made, now!" He hurriedly started cleaning the room while Lilly showed me my room for the time being. It had a king size bed with red silk sheets and cherry-colored accessories. A flat screen TV was above the fireplace and it had an en suite bathroom and walk in closet. At least Aro has some style. I thanked her and started unpacking. I didn't have that much clothing so it didn't take long. I did, however, had most of my books with me. It gets lonely at night. A knock sounded on my door so it must be someone from my coven. Was I in for a shock when I opened my door.  

"Rosalie!?" Rosalie, the ice queen herself, was standing outside my door looking ashamed.

"Can I come in Isabella?" I moved away from the door and she took that as a yes and stood in front of the fireplace. She looked the same from last time but she didn't seem like she came here to pick a fight. If it were possible she looked more human then before. Her face was shallow-er and she didn't have that air of superiority and luminescence to her form.

"What are you doing here Rosalie?" I asked her gently but she seemed to flinch. I walked to her and engulfed her in a hug. She immediately hugged me back and I thought she was going to kill me by how hard she was squeezing my neck.

"I don't really want to be killed today Rosalie." She let loose but she didn't let go. I felt her shaking so I guided us to the bed.

"What's wrong Rosalie?" She finally let go and played with her fingers. I covered her hands with mine and had her look up at me. She sighed and started.

"I'm sorry for being so mean to you and hateful. I don't hate you, Bella. I envied you. You were human and you were so willing to throw all that away just to become a vampire. If I were you I wouldn't have wanted that, but I guess you can't change that now." She gestured towards my form.

"I didn't ask for this Rose. Laurent changed me because he said Victoria was going to torture me so that I would be begging her to kill me.


I was walking through the forest towards mine and Edward's meadow. I didn't get there because I was intercepted by Laurent. He smiled at me and stalked around me.

"Now what would the Cullen's pet be going through the woods?" Is that all I was to them; a pet? No. No!

"Edward loves me, he wouldn't leave me!" His smile grew.

"Then why, when I visited them that their house was...empty? They weren't there but you're here, why?" Edward wouldn't leave me-

"Run, Bella, run!" I looked around for Edward but I didn't see him. I heard his voice again.

"You're just a distraction for me....... I don't love you Bella. I never did." I gasped out as a pain filled my heart. I heard a distinct laugh and then another pain in my neck. I screamed out but Laurent wouldn't let go. He pulled back and whispered something in my ear.

"I will be back..." I didn't hear anything after that.

~End of Flashback~

"I'm so sorry Bella! We shouldn't have left knowing that Victoria was still out there. Can you please forgive us Bella?"

"I can't forgive everyone Rose...... but I forgive you." I pulled her into a hug and we both got emotional. If only I could cry real tears. We pulled away and she gasped in horror.

"What's wrong Rose?" She pointed at my face so I ran to the bathroom. I gasped at what I saw; blood red tears made their way down my cheeks and were spilling onto the floor. Another power? I thought I was done with gaining powers.

"Can you go Rosalie?"


"Now!" I heard a whoosh and I was alone again. I linked my mind to Lilly's and asked her to come to me. I needed her help. Lilly came into the room not even a minute later and I showed her my blood streaked face. She helped me clean up and explained to me my new power. She can tell people, in detail, their power(s).

"It seems that you have the human ability to produce tears. You can even sleep and....and...." She looked at me with a scared look.

"What else?"

"You can reproduce." I cried in her arms. That was the one power that I was waiting to see about. I guess now I can-

"Can I use this power on other vampires, if they're under my shield?" She shook her head no.

"It doesn't work like that. Only you can use this power." She left me to my thoughts about this new power. I decided to try this power so I turned it on and let myself sleep.

"Bella!" I woke up with someone screaming my name. I saw Alice at the door and she starred at me with wide eyes.

"What!?" She woke me up by screaming and now she's just standing there looking like I had grown a second head. She flinched back at my tone but didn't move. I calmed down and asked again.

"What do you want Alice?"

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping?" I brightened up and zoomed to my closet. I picked out a little black dress with silver stiletto's and a black diamond looking purse. I left my hair down and grabbed a pair of hoop earrings.

"What?" I looked back at Alice and she just shook her head and laughed.

"I thought you hated shopping?"

"I got used to it over 70 years of living with a large coven with most of them wanting new cloths each week." I grabbed her arm and we looped ours together and got Rosalie.

"Come on Rose. You look fine with what you have on." Rose was wearing a blue dress with jewels on the top chest with black stiletto's. She also left her hair down so it reached her hips in the natural curls she had. She hooked arms with me and we walked down the halls to the garage. The boys looked as we walked by and I swear their jaws dropped and a few of them drooled. I just smiled and kept walking. We reached the garage and we went into a limo that was waiting for us. I can't wait to see the looks on other people's faces when we roll up and show up.

Author's Note: I am getting this out a day earlier than expected. If you don't know what I'm talking about look at my profile at the last status update I put up. I hope you like this and thanks again to torifount13 for her guess and welcome to Wattpad. I didn't catch you 2 months ago; so sorry about that but this chapter is for you.

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