Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm sorry for not updating as fast as I'd like to have. I was trying to find a direction to on in and I think I've found it. I hope you like it and please vote and comment! Oh and the video above, start playing it when you get to "You will pay!" I started it there and oh my gosh! Again, I hope you like it and visit the About section on my profile to go to the Facebook page for updates about any of my stories, including this one, and any updates as to why I'm not updating like I want to sometimes. I will be making a schedule for when I'm going to update so that's in the works. Enjoy!

~Edward's POV~(Didn't see that did ya?)

"I'm sorry Edward." I was out on the balcony of my room at the Volturi Castle when I heard that voice. It was Bella's voice. I tried forgetting about her but everything reminds me of her and I can't stand it. I've tried killing myself but Alice always sees it and the family stops me. They won't even let me be alone. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"Edward, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Esme." I didn't participate anymore so they're less worrisome about me. I heard the door close and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I thought that when we left 73 years ago I was doing Bella a favor and was keeping her safe. When I went back to check on her I found out that she was dead and had been dead for years; that was 50 years ago. I broke my own promise by go back to Forks, Washington and trying to find her. I have this gaping hole in my chest where my heart should be and it hurts so much but I'm keeping my emotions in check for Jasper. He had to leave once because my emotions were too much for him to handle. I took one last look out the balcony and went inside my room.

"You will pay!" A figure was hovering above me with a murderous glare on their face. I couldn't see anything but the whole eye, which was red, and everything else was black. I screamed out in pain with I felt my heart being squeezed. I could hear the door trying to be opened but it was sealed shut so that it was only the figure and me.

"You will get to know how it feels to be broken and in pain daily!" The figure gave my heart one last final squeeze and let it go. I could hear my heart start beating wildly in my ears but I couldn't hear any voices in my head. The figure laughed and disappeared into thin air. I was just staring at the ceiling when the door opened. Carlisle was looking down at me and noticed that I wasn't moving or anything.

"Edward!" I coughed and gasped in air.

"Are you okay Edward?" Esme was beside me on the bed and was rubbing my back.

"I don't know." I got up, or at least tried, but failed. I fell back onto the bed from getting up too fast and was getting dizzy. My head ached and my whole body ached which didn't make sense.

"Can I go into the bathroom?" Carlisle helped me up and walked me to the bathroom. I met the mirror's gaze and gasped at what I saw. My skin wasn't so pale, my hair was sticking in all different directions, and my eyes were emerald green again. I put my forehead on the mirror and breathed evenly. I was human again. How was that possible?

"How is this possible Carlisle?" I looked at him in the mirror and met his eyes. He had so much worry in his eyes and some pain.

"I'm not sure. I would need to run some tests to figure this out. What happened in here? We couldn't open the door and when Jasper fell to the floor we knew something was wrong." I tried remembering but it was fuzzy. I couldn't remember anything from what happened.

"I don't remember. It's all fuzzy. Carlisle what's happening?!" I was scared and started hyperventilating.

"Calm down Edward. We'll figure this out. Why don't you rest for now?" Carlisle led me back to the bedroom and had me lay down. I watched him retreat back to the door and his figure got smaller until I blacked out into darkness.

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