Chapter 9

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Previously on Isabella Fire...

"Listen to me Edward! Bella has to forgive you! You caused her the most pain and that's why this is happening but there are others that made this happen! Don't just blame yourself for this, please help her!" A black mist covered my mouth and The Executioner spoke again;

"You talk too much!" I could feel pressure on my neck and struggled to get free. A scream then broke through all the noise and made The Executioner stop. Bella was at the front door and stared daggers at her alter ego. Her eyes softened when she glanced at Edward though and I smiled through the pain.
"No one hurts anyone I love." She spoke so low I had to strain to hear her. She held out her hands in front of her and concentrated. No! She can't do what I think she's about to.
"No Isabella!" Her eyes opened to show fully black pupils and her mouth opened, breaking her jaw. The Executioner screamed when Bella started sucking her back in. The black mist holding me let go and I hurried to Edward. I moved him out of the way to Carlisle and had him hold onto Edward. I turned back to Bella and The Executioner was halfway back in her body. I closed my eyes and entered Bella's mind and told her what I was doing.
I'm sorry.

I let myself go to the darkness and let The Executioner into me. I could feel pain radiate throughout my body but I stayed still. I could now hear The Executioner's laughter and her mockery. She kept saying how stupid I was for letting me in.
I knew what happened next was bound to happen sooner or later. Bella had her hands on either side of my head and she pulled me apart.

~Bella's POV~

I collapsed to the floor when I realized what I did. I could feel blood tears go down my face when I kept looking at Aro's lifeless body. He died protecting me and he helped get rid of The Executioner for me. I can't repay him for that but he payed his debt.


I was running after my meal when another vampire interrupted my hunting. I growled at the vampire and clutched their neck. I was still in hunting mode so I didn't care what I did. I crushed their neck and continued hunting. I caught back up to my meal and finished hunting. I turned my senses back on and ran back to the vampire that I killed. When I got there I saw more vampires. They were surrounding me and I just kept walking to the vampire I killed. I saw a man hunched over the female that I killed. I cleared my throat and he stilled. He kissed the female's forehead and slowly turned towards me. He was angry- no furious but he was also sad at the loss of his mate.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know what I was doing, I was hunting you see and-" I was caught off guard when the man grabbed my neck. I grasped his hand with both of mine and tried breaking their hands off to get free.

"Ew e ku bibe cellad!"(She is to be The Executioner!) The vampires around him cheered at what he said. The man pointed to a fellow of his friends,

"Çêşît mate min de li gundê me. Em giyanê xwe ji giyanê vê jinê, yê ku mate min kuştin veguhestina wê."(Carry my mate to our village. We will transfer her soul to this woman's soul, the one who killed my mate.) I was very confused at what they were talking about. I tried escaping but more men came to us and held me while we moved. It must have been almost a day when we made it to a village. Women were parting our way to a huge temple. The women were whispering things that I couldn't hear. I struggled but the men just gripped harder. The woman I killed was lied down on a slab of concrete and I was lied down next to her and strapped down so I wouldn't escape. I struggled and cried for help.

"Silence!" I shut up when the woman's mate spoke. The man took a deep breathe and spoke again,

"Xweda û xwedawendan, bibihîzin parêznameya min, destûrê The Executioner hilgire nav bedena ev vampire xort! Bila wê qebûl The Executioner wek e û ji bo di vê pêvajoyê de hatiye rûxandin ne be! Bêle bila bibe!"(Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea, allow The Executioner to carry into this young vampire's body! Let her accept The Executioner as is and to not be destroyed in the process! Let it be!) I saw a black mist come out of the woman's body and it made it's way over to mine. I struggled to break free and screamed and cried for help. While I screamed and cried the mist crawled into my body by my mouth. I could feel my bones breaking and reshaping to make room for whatever was in my body.

The Executioner

I heard a voice say that in my head and now I started to think I was crazy.

My name is The Executioner. I was in the woman's body you killed. Now I'm in yours and I am going to be here for as long as you are alive.

--End of Flashback--

"Bella!" I heard my name then registered someone shaking me. I came back to Earth. Edward was shaking me and yelling my name.

"I thought you didn't love me?" He paused and searched for the right words.

"I left you because I loved you. I didn't think that by leaving you you'd be in more danger. Can you please forgive me? I won't do it again. Please." I didn't say anything except hug him close. I can't forgive him that easily but I'll forgive him for now.

"Only if you can forgive me for turning you into a human."

"It wasn't your fault Bella. It was that thing's fault. I can see the difference." He rubbed a thumb on my cheek when he said that.

"Would you want to be a vampire again?" He seemed conflicted by that.

"To be honest, no. But only if you can become human yourself. If we can't find a way then I would be glad to become a vampire again. I'd get my girl back." I smiled at him and he leaned into me. I met him in the middle and kissed him. It turned into a heated passionate kiss and I had to let go to let him breathe.

"I guess I have to be careful to not break you now?" He just nodded with a grin.

I think this might be the end....for now. I will be working on the second book so look out for that. It will take time so please be patient. If you want anything to happen in the second book then comment below and I'll DM you for details. Unless you just wanna put it in your comment. I do have a request though for the second book. I want to have at least 100 votes and 1k views of this book. If I don't have those by the time I'm ready to put up the second book then it won't happen until 100 votes and 1k reads are accounted for.

Bye for now!

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