Chapter 9:The Tutor

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Chapter 9: The  tutor

It is one of those days you wish that it would never come, the moment you just wish you were not there to blink again and see the light. It is just as calm as always with it steamy radiation stretching from the further east of Nairobi pronouncing a heated afternoon in this side of savanna. The reddish yellow strands of light forms a colorful to warm the hearts of the citizen of Nairobi but not mine.

The day the doctor said i will be well, ready to head back to my first class which am less and less desparate to move back to. It seems different having to wake up and just have a cold shower in this part of the morning. The dew is still pouring but the mornings in Nairobi are different both cold even in the summer and winter and having a shower in this brutal time is a thing i would call something i used to do. It has been a week since i had an old fellow in front of me with that weird nerd looking eyes, brutally handing complicated stuff for me to comprehend.

I flash my eyes again not knowing which decision i had to take during the 3 minutes time i spent figuring what to do. But one thing for sure is the fact that martin is no way going to leave my sleepy head in our room. He is crazy school guy who will never miss a class not for any reason and for sure i knew he would strive even with his broken leg to attend class.

But with her being close to him they would make a good couple ready to learn even beyond the normal stuff. She has been frustrated with me, and the more i try to be closer to her is the more i drive her away from me. I just close my eyes realizing it would take my life in campus to steal her away from him and have her by my side.

I drove my life away from the remote environ of karatina to Nairobi where life was much complicated. The year that i was supposed to be a year of change is now tuning to be the year that leaves me wondering if I would even gain anything at all. She must have been the one for me with the entire crazy thing we have in common.

"Hey you are up"

Martin enters the room half clothed after taking a shower, shifts my thought to the fact that i was the only one who was still in bed. He is happy and is not, since the last incidence with him he has a grudge of which he is trying as hard to hide. The jovial guy is now trying to keep our conversation as short as possible and making every effort not to bring his girlfriend up to our room.

Even though am not boomed to be waking up, the fact that in Nairobi one has to learn more about the social conflicts is more than enough. It is a place where every kind of people meets up, collide if they have to or merge up with one common interest. My decision has to influence a lot of people unlike home where everybody was for himself.

"Are you not going to class?"

He strikes again after realizing that I have drifted back into my fantasy and the fact that my eyes are slowly closing back to. The tired brain won’t let go always disappointing me as if I have been digging all night.

“No man, I have to go I have lost a lot in the couple of weeks I have been away.”

“Okay I will be on my way.”

I rush into the washroom in a state I would say the clock has put me in. it is ten minutes to time and I haven even taken a shower. I must have dozed off after martin left the room. The water is chilly but this is the life in campus we get trained of what life is in store of us

The class is full to the brim with a few familiar faces popping up in every corner of the 7 by 6 room in the second floor of the first build your eyes meets the moment you are in chiromo. The obvious geeks are seated in the front row with only a few ladies who are there to please the lecture so that their grade can at least match their faces. Willy is seated at the back, where the men and women who can either longsighted or joker are usually seat. There is an empty seat right beside him and to my weirdest guess it must be mine. The teacher is already in class so I tiptoe to my empty seat avoiding any commotion as possible.

This is one of the classes where gossip fly just like a gas fire, consuming everything in a moment. The next thing you know is that you are the topic of the week. The worst thing is that the chair is metallic and is damned to be the talk of town for the day. The moment I try to pull the chair a screeching sound stop the class, which turn as if the teacher was the one crocking just like a frog and am the one with the most important stuff.

“Hey young man, thank you very much now we have your attention. Can you tell us what you understand by the term orbitals?”

I must admit am now about to just of this body of mine, at least to ease this guilty that is slowly crawling inside and deny that am responsible for this foolish body. The dazing eyes are somehow piecing every muscle in me just like a laser. My face is numb and even though I try to force my mouth to move I just can’t hear a thing I say not after a loud bust of laughter my hearing is regained. 

“He has been in class for a week, he has been seeking.”

Someone blurts out in the crowd at least defending me and giving me time to regain my composure. The teacher must have said something since the loud bust are back again, but this time all eyes are riveted on willy who is seated  right beside me.

“No teacher I have not been feeling well.”

“Okay can anyone help him?”

“Yes. Your friend just in front of you.”

“It is the probability of finding an electron.”

She finally saves me from the agony that has bewildered me with her sweet sound which is still lingering in my head. Just in time to save the day with all her charm seated in front of me her head raise as the heroes do after saving the day. Looks at me with a smirk pasted on her beautiful face as if I own her one and this just leaves me mesmerized by her charms. I must admit that I don’t even have the slightest idea how she is able to be that extremely sharp.

I don’t know at that moment what really makes her so attractive but the way she holds her smile is so beautiful. Somehow she makes everything seem at ease and at last I manage to calm down and pull myself together. Her scent is all over the place which I think also has its magic too, always making me realize that she doesn’t care what I do. She really deserves to be my best friend if not my girlfriend.

“Thank you Claire. That right, would you kindly offer some assistance to your friend and bring him to date on what we have covered.

She looks at my face, so confused of what to answer with my face already pale of what you expect in the following days to come. It is true I have little to say on the matter since am the one getting help but I cannot allow this. The fact we will be spending time together is killing me but still there is a part of me that want her to say yes even though it’s dangerous.


The teacher reverberates again in a confused manner wondering what is going on between us. My innocent face must have gotten into her and her face seems to be in guilt of something.

“Yes teacher.”

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