Chapter 5: Another Encounter

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Chapter 5: Another encounter

Heads up to Steve, it has been a two week now and I have been trying to avoid Claire successfully, it was a mission impossible. Today is a cheerfully day I have decided to take a shower after my first lesson; I was feeling a little dully , the heat in the area is the cause but that was not going to ruin this perfect day. Somehow this is one of the very few days that I am going to spend in this university happy; it is one of the very few days that am going to resent myself for joining the school this year.

Only one thing that has change my life since then the arrival of my roommate; they arrived late last week and so we have been hanging up together all through. One of them is in our class while the other is doing biochemistry in the department of medical sciences; he is full of himself always talking about how he was great back in his secondary school. I won’t say it is a simple job; I have to either be in class early or absolutely late, and I have to seat in the furthest distance from her. I have to concentrate in class as much as all the thought on my mind are disagreeing. I want to be close to her but somehow it seems my dreams will be shutter; I kind of loose it when am with her.  I have now decide to think for a way to keep myself as far as possible from this woman who is appearing just like the killer in a horror movie , the more you kill it , it will return now more rejuvenated that before.

I am in the bath room scrubbing in hoping that my head trying to get an idea in my mind. The water is chilly, but somehow my head his boiling enough to heat the water. It in the afternoon and the heat is intense also I like this kind of feeling. Am already done with my head rinsing it and to soap my body when I hear the genitor screaming forcing everybody to move out of the bathroom.

“Hey if you are bathing rinse up and get the hell out, it time for cleaning the bathroom.”


She is walking towards me unlocking each bathroom on her way so I decide to unlock and soap quickly. I was relaxing but the genitor is spoiling up the mood. She reaches my bathroom and bang it so hard I can even concentrate on my thinking.

“Get out stop messing with me!”

This time I am sure she is going to break the door wide open, so I decide to negotiate with her at least for a minute or two.

“Am almost done please give me a minute to dress.”

“No you…..”

She trails off searching for a perfect word to insult me with and knocking the door wide open but luckily I am covering myself with towel. She grabs me by her hand and drags me out of the bathroom; she is pretty strong I guess from scrubbing the toilets.

“Hey miss please!”

I exclaim but my pleas are falling on deaf ears, she pushes me towards the door and throwing my bucket out of the washroom. There is nothing to do I guess I will wait until she is done so as to rinse, I decide to head back to my room until she is done.  She is one of the rude ladies am already listing in my journal, treating me with no respect out of their spite. Am all soapy as I walk through prefab 8 hallway fortunately it is in the afternoon most of the students are back in school for their afternoon class while only stray people like me are wandering around the  hostels. It is on Wednesday that I have only two lesson one in the morning and the other in the evening ; so tiring that I have to walk to school twice and more so I am not free to join my other free for a drinking spree in town.

I arrive on my doorways and to my shock it is wide open, I was sure that I  didn’t leave any of my roommate back then. How could I have left it open last week Willy lost his sub woofer which we bought in town after a tiresome day or cruising around town. I remember I left my laptop on top of my bed and I am shaking of fears to what am about to realize. I push the door slowly and looking on my bed eager that the worse hasn’t happened. It is not broken so I gain some hope that maybe it is one of my roommate who had no class today.

“Oh thanks God!”

I exclaimed finally as a sigh escapes my mouth so glad that the machine was still lying down on my bed as if cozy as it is.

“Hey Jeff you look like a crown.”

Once again it is Willy, he must have had the commotion back in the bathroom was just about to ask the ridiculous question. The best thing I have gotten used to his behave, I just take it as a joke heading inside the room. The reflection of the mirror in front of me has drawn my attention to my face; I surely look like a crown just like Willy had said. I wipe both my eyes out of the foam covering my body to clear up the vision with both my hands.

“Why do we have to have female genitor, they are heartless,”

I mumble the words as I enter the room and placing my soap on the table in front of me   turning to my cabin. I almost freeze to death as I a scream deafen my ears losing my balance and slamming down on the floor with a thunder. The next moment I am awake I find the same lady screaming and calling for help as if I was a rapist.

“Help me! There is a crown in my room,”

“What? Am not a crown? Who are you?”

Am still confuses just like in my dream, but I feel some pain in the back of my head  genuinely creeping in that it is hard for me to think. She must have hit me also with something hard that I lost focus now the whole story is finally fitting in.

“Don’t worry Claire he won’t scare us again.”

God this girls is a really stalker, what is she doing in my room the voice inside my head is speaking now as I wipe my eyes again to see when it really her.

“It’s her!”

I speak out in shock again, I must be dreaming dear God, let it be a dream the thought of her is always clumsy in my head.


I pinch myself to proof that surely it is a dream but it is not. It is true that Claire is in my room now and I am half naked with her friend holding one of our cooking pans.

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