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He watched as the boy got in the car to go to school, like he does every morning. He waited until the car was out of sight to come out of where he was hidden in the bushes by the house. He quickly retreated back into the woods to start on his way back to the facility. He was very happy that he finally found the boy that boss was always talking and obsessing about. He knew he was the right one because he had watched him through his window in the morning and saw that his hair was flat from sleeping so you could see his dark black ears and his long tail that was slipping out of his sweatpants. He also snapped some pictures for proof. Others have claimed that they found him but they would always bring back look a likes and they just made boss really angry and of course boss would punish them badly. He might even get a reward for finding the boy.

He never understood why boss wanted this boy so badly. He could always just make some more hybrids but boss hasn't made any since the boy escaped. He must have been really important to make boss go crazy like he has been. He doesn't like that he has to do this but he has no choice. He's already involved and he can't leave.

As he was nearing the facility, he thought of what boss might do to the boy when he was captured. He was positive that the boy would endure some type of punishment because he escaped but he hoped boss would go easy on him. The boy hadn't done anything wrong so he doesn't deserve that. He had heard rumours that it was his father that helped him escape but nobody had heard from him in a long time. That man was almost as skilled in combat as boss so he couldn't even imagine what he had taught his son. Boss also wanted to find him but he was more obsessed with the boy. Something about him not being finished.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he approached the large structure. The facility almost looked like a large house but that just a disguise otherwise people would get suspicious about a giant building in the woods.

He walked up to the doors and knocked five times and they were immediately opened by some guards but they recognized him and let him inside. He started walking down the long corridors to get to his destination. He didn't even glance at the other workers, he had no friends here. As he came face to face with the door he was looking for, he suddenly froze. He has been in there a few times but they were never fun. He took a deep breath and told the guards at the door that he has a message. The guards opened the door and he slowly went inside, nerves racking up fast. He sat down on the uncomfortable chair in front of the desk and waited until he was addressed to speak.

"Yes Josh?" Boss spoke roughly, not even looking up front the paperwork he was studying.

"I found him, sir." Josh spoke in a small voice.

That caught his attention and he immediately snapped his head up and looked at Josh with wide eyes.

"You what?" He said sounding amazed.

"I found the hybrid." Josh clarified again.

"Do you have him?" Boss said but still sounded unsure that this was true.

"No, but I have pictures and know where he lives, I didn't want to capture him without your permission, sir." Josh said in a shaky voice.

"Show me." He demanded while leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.

Josh slowly stood up and put his camera in front of the man and sat back in the chair. The man grabbed the camera and started looking through it. His eyes widened as he saw the photos of the hybrid he has been waiting years for. The man smiled and it was the first time in a while that Josh had seen him do that.

"Good job son." He said while putting the camera's memory card into his computer.

"Thanks dad." Josh smiled, finally doing something that made his dad proud.

"Go tell the cat." His dad ordered.

"Why does she need to know?" Josh risked in asking.

"Trust me, she needs to hear this," Josh nodded and stood up,"oh, and I want you to watch him again tonight, get some more photos. He only has a week left."

He nodded again and left the room, heaving a sigh of relief. He went down the corridor to find the hybrid's room. He knocked twice before unlocking it and stepping inside. He sighed when he saw her just laying in her bed looking up at the ceiling with a blank expression. That's how she always was when he visited her. He sat on the edge of the bed, away from her.

"Boss wanted me to tell you that we found him." He said getting straight to the point.

She snapped her head to Josh and had anger written all over her face. She opened her mouth to speak but realizes what she was about to do then snapped it shut.

"I thought that would get you to talk." He mumbled and stood up to leave but stopped when a hand wrapped around his wrist. She looked up at him with pleading eyes, practically saying 'please don't hurt him.'

"I'm sorry but I have to go." He said softly and took her hand off of him and went out the door. He then exited the building to scope out the hybrid some more.


He was laid on his stomach, in the bushes on the opposite side of his house. He had a clear view of the boy's window and he had his camera ready. He absolutely hated how stalker-ish he sounded but he kind of was.

He looked through his camera and zoomed in as he saw the boy walk into his room. He waited until he saw the boy free his tail to start taking pictures. Him being the idiot that he was, forgot that he had flash on and took at least five pictures with the flash going off. He stopped when he saw the boy move closer to his window and looked around for where the light came from. He immediately stood up and started to run back to the facility. Halfway back he thought back to his dad's words.

He has one week. One week until we have him.

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