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Zayn was avoiding Harry in school for quite some time now. His heart ached every time he saw the curly haired boy with Josh. 

It was Tuesday when Harry passed Zayn a note. It confused Zayn at first. Why would Harry pass him a note if they sat right beside each other. But he decided not to ask.

He was about to open the paper when Harry stopped him. "Please open it at the end of the day." Harry pleaded.

Zayn nodded, slightly suspicious but he stuck the note in his pocket anyways. He kept glancing at the curly haired boy. There were lots of things that he wanted to say but he couldn't bring himself to say them.

They sat in silence for the rest of class, not even glancing at each other. After the bell rang they continued on throughout the day, not speaking.

At lunch Zayn started to twirl the note on the table which aroused suspicion from Niall and Louis.

"What is that?" Louis asked.

"A note from Harry." Zayn replied, still twirling the note.

Niall almost choked on his food in surprise. "What does it say?" He asked when he caught his breath.

Zayn shrugged, "I'm not sure. He said to open it later."

"What? It's not eating you up inside? The curiosity I mean." Louis said.

"Well duh, but he said to wait. So I'll wait." Zayn told him.

"Gosh Louis stop trying to make him read it now." Niall said, starting to eat Louis' food.

Zayn nodded in gratitude to Niall. But throughout the day Louis' words did start to make him wonder. As soon as the bell rang Zayn opened up the note and read it.

Dear Zayn,

I have a lot of things to tell you but I'm afraid that if I do this in person I'll choke on my words or say the wrong thing. I guess this note is the only way I can express my feelings.

From the moment I met you your face became engraved in my mind. You are the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. You are my angel, my raven haired angel. I wake up every morning in anticipation to see you're lovely face. The way your skin is the same color as the rays of the sun. Your eyes remind me of the richest tree sap that's hardened and have become embedded within your eyes. They tell so many stories about you but unfortunately all of them are sad. Your eyes don't have the sparkle of happiness that most guys have. I want to be the one who place the happiness there. I want to be the one who puts a smile on those rosy pink lips.

I want to wake up to your beautiful voice everyday in the future. My heart has been breaking everyday since I haven't heard your voice. I know I've hurt you and I want to clarify things for you. I am NOT dating Josh. Everything you saw was a misunderstanding. He was honestly trying to help me find a way to talk to you. I've always wanted to be with you. You're the one that I love. I'm sorry I'm too much of a coward to say this to your face. If you don't want to keep talking to me I understand. But if you forgive me for deceiving you please, please come to my house. I have to see you. I have to here your voice. I have to be with you.

Hoping for your forgiveness,

Harry Styles

Tears started to fall upon the paper. Zayn jumped up and ran out the door and down the street. He dialed Niall's number on his phone.

"'Ello," The Irish lad said.

"He loves me Ni! The letter was a love confession. He wants to be with me." Zayn yelled into the phone.

"So what are you going to do?" Niall asked excitedly.

"I'm going to his house now." Zayn said.

"Good luck Z!" Niall said.

Zayn hung up the phone and kept running until he was at Harry's house. He climbed up the doorsteps and started to knock on the door.

Harry's mom opened the door and looked surprised. "Oh Zayn, it's been a while sweetheart."

"Is Harry here?" Zayn asked.

"Sure sweetheart he's right upstairs in his room." She said, opening the door and allowing him in.

Zayn ran up the stairs and didn't even knock on Harry's door. He just ran into the room.

Harry looked up from the book he was looking at. Zayn ran towards him and talked him down to the bed.

Zayn brought his lips down to Harry's. They were soft and the kiss wasn't lustful. It was a necessity. It was something that both boys felt they needed.

Zayn broke the kiss and stared into the shocked green eyes. "I love you!"

"I love you too." Harry said with a bright smile.

Zayn rested his head on Harry's chest and Harry wrapped his arms around Zayn, pulling him in. It was the best moment of both of their life. Zayn was wishing that for the rest of his life, every moment would be as blissful as this one.

**A/N: Omg Zarry is real now. Do you love it? This means that there are going to be a lot more Zarry moments now. But there's still going to be done stuff occurring.**

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