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Harry volunteered with a smile on his face, but the smile wasn't for Josh. It was for Zayn. Harry couldn't get that peck on the cheek out of his mind. He could still feel the shape of Zayn's lips on his cheek. And to top it all off, Zayn had kissed him! He initiated it so Harry actually has a chance, right?

"You wanna come with me to our next class?" Zayn asked Harry as he was packing up his things. Harry frowned because he really wanted to but he promised Ms.Rivers.

"Sorry, but I have to show around the new kid." Harry said sadly. He met Zayn's disappointed eyes but Zayn quickly smiled to show he's fine.

"It's alright. Ill see you at lunch?" He said hopefully. Harry smiled and nodded. Zayn did the same and went to the door, he stopped at the door frame to give Harry a little wave then left the class. Harry sighed and watched him leave until Josh came in front of him.

"Whatcha staring at?" Josh asked and looked at the door.

Harry just shook his head and picked up his bag. "Gimme your schedule." Josh complied and Harry saw that they only had next class together.

"Okay let's go." Harry said. Josh nodded and they both walked out the door.

"You guys look cute together." Josh suddenly said as they were halfway to class. Harry's eyes widened and he stopped walking and Josh did the same.

"What?" Harry asked confused.Josh gave him a confused look back. "Your boyfriend. You guys look cute together." He shrugged with a smile.

It took Harry a moment to figure it out and when he did his shoulders relaxed and he kept walking. "He's not my boyfriend." He said. 'Though I really want him to be.' He added in his head.

"Oh! I'm sorry. You just looked like.." Josh said nervously.

"It's okay." Harry chuckled though he was very flattered. Josh thought that him and Zayn looked cute together!

They walked for a little more before Josh spoke up again.

"What's his name?" He asked curiously. Harry smiled at the thought of Zayn in his head.

"Zayn." He said dreamily, looking into space, imagining Zayn's perfect face.

"I can tell you like him." Josh suddenly said and Harry almost choked on his own spit.

"What?! I don't like him." Harry said a little too quickly.

Josh chuckled. "I know you do, it's the look on your face when you talk about him. You like him." Josh said confidently.

"No, I don't." Harry said quietly, pink rising to his cheeks.

"Suuure.." Josh said. Harry glared at him and punched him on the shoulder. Josh just laughed and kept walking.

When they reached class they both went inside, Josh of course sitting next to Harry. Harry told Josh the basic procedures of this specific classroom and they started their work.

After about 40 minutes of working, Josh leaned over to Harry, since they were seated at tables of 2, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"You need help?" He asked Harry.

"No, I'm already done." He said and help up his paper.

"No you idiot, with Zayn." He said like it was obvious.

"Why would I need help with Zayn?" He asked confused while looking at the clock. 5 minutes until lunch.

Josh sighed, "To get him like you." He said.

"Dude! I just met you! Stop trying to get in my personal life!" Harry said getting quite annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a hopeless romantic. I see two people that I know like each other and I make it my mission to get them together." Josh smiled, not even bothered by Harry's outburst.

Harry sighed, he wasn't getting rid of Josh anytime soon. "I guess I could use some help." He shrugged and Josh smiled wider just as the bell rang and Harry's mood went up immediately. Lunch with Zayn. Harry stood up and packed up his things.

"You want to come to lunch with me?" Harry asked Josh as he walked past him.

"Nah, you go hang out with lover boy." He laughed and left the room.Harry chuckled too but remembered something as Josh left the room. He chased him outside and put his hand oh his shoulder to stop him. Josh turned around confused.

"You wanna come to my place later? To, you know, figure out what to do about my, situation." Harry smiled when Josh nodded. Harry gave him his number and address.

"See you later." He said and walked away to spend lunch with Zayn.

Little did Harry know, that when he turned his back, Josh pulled out his phone and texted information to the person that could very easily end his and Zayn's very existence.

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