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Zayn looked at the boy who accepted him with love in his eyes. Everyone Zayn came over and they were in the security of Harry's room Harry would make him free his ears and tail.

"You shouldn't have to hide them." Harry said, watching Zayn's tail sway back and forth.

"Well most people wouldn't react as calmly as you are right now." Zayn told the smiling curly haired boy.

"Well I must admit I was taken aback at first but now it's fascinating. You're like a big black cat." Harry said with a smile.

"Aren't black cats bad luck?" Zayn asked, frowning at Harry.

"In some cultures not all." Harry told him. Harry reached out and rubbed his thumb on one of Zayn's cat ears. "I mean I thought you were amazing before but you're even more amazing."

Zayn's tall swept across Harry's face which he giggled at.

"Does Louis and Niall know?" Harry asked, biting his cheeks. Zayn nodded looking at Harry expectantly. 

"Well Louis is like my brother. I've been living with him since I could remember. Niall basically lives there too. He's over there everyday, though Louis is to slow to realize why." Zayn told him.

"Niall likes Louis?" Harry guessed. Zayn smiled and nodded at him.

"Well we should set them up!" Harry said excitedly.

"Umm no offense but your get together schemes was the reason why we didn't talk for a while." Zayn told the eager curly haired boy.

"Not mines! That was Josh's plan not mines." Harry confessed.

"So what was your plan?" Zayn asked.

Harry blushed before he looked down at his fingers which he was twiddling with. "I kinda didn't have one."

"Well that's not going to help them two. I think Louis should just figure it out by himself." Zayn said, looking down at his math homework. He hadn't even touched the paper with his Pre-Cal problems since he got to Harry's.

"Fine but I will drop subtle hints." Harry said, digging in his bag to get his own homework.

The two boys sat in silence for a while doing their homework. After they were done they decided to go out for a walk.

"How come the streets are always so quiet and deserted?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." Zayn answered.

In all actuality Zayn just realized this fact. There were significantly less people around on the streets since he first started dating Harry. He thought it was suspicious but there hasn't been any more assaults or surprises or even letters.

He always wondered what did that letter mean exactly. He started suspicious for a couple of days when he received that letter from 'P' but he never found anyone collecting evidence. No-one ever came to capture him. Maybe it was a hoax? But it couldn't have been if they knew who he was. 'P' had called him kitty but maybe 'P' had unreliable sources. Zayn was starting to become confused.

"Earth to Zayn!" Harry said. Zayn blinked until he refocused to Harry's green eyes which were staring at him, bewildered.

"Do you always zone out on our walks?" Harry asked.

"No sorry. I just got lost in my train of thoughts." Zayn told him.

"Oh well I like it. You get this sexy thoughtful face." Harry said with a wink.

Zayn pecked Harry on the nose causing a deep blush to erupt on his face. They kept walking making idle talk until it was time for Zayn to drop Harry back off.

"You know I could've walked myself home." Harry said from the top step.

"Now what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you do that?" Zayn asked, crinkling his nose at the suggestion.

"I'm not sure, you're my first." Harry admitted.

"And you're mine." Zayn said.

Zayn climbed up the five small steps and embraced Harry in a hug. Then he held the curly haired boy's face in his hands and stared into that endless field of green.

"That's why I'm going to do right by you! I'm going to protect you and make sure you never get hurt. I promise I'll make you happy everyday." Zayn promised.

Harry blinked a couple times in a futile effort to stop the tears. "I'm happy just by being with you everyday." He whispered.

"As am I." Zayn whispered back.

Zayn leaned into Harry and their lips met. A surge of heat flowed through the both of them at the contact. They kept kissing, stealing each other's breath away until it became too much and they had to gasp for air.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe." Zayn said.

"Already counting the seconds." Harry replied. He looked at Zayn one more time before he opened his door and went inside of his house.

Zayn smiled to himself satisfied before turning around and walking home. Once he arrived home he found the surprise of his life.

He slowly opened the door and found Louis on top of Niall and they were...snogging! Once Zayn closed the door Louis jumped up and looked. His face turned crimson with embarrassment.

"Umm I can explain this."  Louis said. Zayn looked at him expectantly, pretending he wanted an answer.

"Well go ahead." Zayn said, trying his best not to laugh as Louis tried to come up with a lie. Niall was looking over the chair at Zayn with a bashful look, his hair a mess.

"Well...umm... I was rehearsing for this role in theatre!" Louis said excitedly.

"And that means you have to snog poor innocent Niall?" Zayn asked. He glanced over at Niall who had everything but innocent in his eyes.

"Yea, I'm a method actor. I have to do things to get it right on stage!" Louis said.

"Well I'm glad you chose Niall. I thought you'd be blind forever about how much he likes you." Zayn said with a slight grin.

Louis looked at a blushing Niall then back at Zayn. "He did huh?" Louis planted another kiss on Niall's lips. "Well maybe I liked him too."

"That's obvious because you're not even in theatre." Zayn said, chuckling at Louis. Niall joined in on the laughter as Louis blushed.

"I could've been." Louis grumbled.

"So are you two?" Zayn questioned.

"Yappp!" Niall said happily.

"About Time!" Zayn said running over to hug his two best friends. "Now I'm going to kick your butts at football!" Zayn said turning on the game console.

Zayn let all of his thoughts from earlier leave his mind. He was happy and relaxed and he felt so safe. The thing was he didn't know it was Harry he should've been worried about.

**A/N: Aww so yea I put Nouis together! It's all apart of a bigger plan in the finale that's not that far away. I hope you like it! It's sort of good right? Not like crazy rushed.**

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