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Harry's eyes slowly tore open revealing nothing but darkness. Panic flowed through him as he started to shake in his chair. He tried to move his arms and legs and he felt something cut into his flesh around his wrists. He opened his mouth to let out a bowl of pain but the sound was muffled by whatever he was gagged by. A tear escaped his eye as he started to remember what got him in this predicament.


"Mom can I go to Zayn's house?" Harry asked.

"Harry sweetheart it's a school night. You have classes tomorrow." Anne told him.

"Please mom I'll do whatever." Harry pleaded.

Anne sat in the chair pondering things over in her head. Finally she looked at Harry and said, "If you go get the groceries on my list I'll let you stay at Zayn's for the entire week."

Harry's face lit up at the idea. This meant that his mom really liked Zayn because she'd never let him out of her sight for that long.

"Are you serious?" He asked her. She nodded and he ran to hug her. "Sure thing just give me the list, I'll get anything you want."

She chuckled at her son's happiness. "Well here you go bun." She said, reaching for the notepad before her.

She scribbled a list down on it and handed it back to him. "Hurry back sweetheart okay." She called after him once he eagerly ran out the door.

Harry took in the night air, running at full speed. He felt like Charlie when he found the Golden Ticket. This list was his golden ticket. He was going to the chocolate factory for the first time! He finally get to see what Zayn's like in his home environment.

Harry arrived at the grocery store, grabbed a buggy and quickly started to get things off of the list. He started from aisle one and was going to the last aisle. Harry managed to get to aisle seven when he saw a fluff of familiar blonde hair.

"Niall!" Harry screamed excitedly.

Niall turned and smiled fondly at the curly haired boy. "Hello Harry, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm great and you?"

Niall frowned and crinkled up his nose. "As good as I'll ever be shopping for food I can't eat right away. I think Louis just like the torture of sending me to go get groceries."

"Why are you getting his groceries?" Harry asked. Niall turned a deep shade of red and Harry understood. "Ooohmigosh Niall I'm so happy for you! Zayn and I just had a talk about you two yesterday!"

"Oooh so you're like my good luck or something huh?" Niall said with a cheeky smile.

"If you want to say that." Harry replied. "Oh, I have to ask you something."

"Ask away." Niall said, searching for a specific spice.

"Um when did you find out about Zayn?" Harry asked.

"Well he sat me down and was being all weird." Niall said, plucking the spice from the rack. "Finally he just came out to me."

"Oh, what did you do? How did you react?" Harry asked, chewing on the side of his cheeks.

"Well I mean we're kinda the same so I couldn't really be mad. Surprised yes, mad no." Niall said, gazing down at his list. Harry was glad that he wasn't the only one walking with a list, then Niall's words sank into his head.

"You're one too!?" Harry exclaimed.

Niall looked at him curiously. "Yea? You and Zayn talked about it before. Remember?"

"No. He never said you were like him. Just that you knew." Harry mumbled.

"Umm, I'm with Louis. Shopping for him. Remember? I like guys and so does Zayn." Niall said, eyeing Harry suspiciously.

"What?" Harry asked confused. He lowered his voice and whispered, "I'm talking about the cat thing."

Niall lowered his voice and asked, "What cat thing?"

Harry was taken aback by this question. He stood there staring at Niall in disbelief. Then he realized the reason why Niall was so clueless. Zayn had lied to him. They didn't know anything. Why did Zayn lie to him?

"Earth to Harry." Niall said. "What are you talking about?"

"Oooh that he wipes his face like a cat." Harry lied. "He also curls up and sleep like one too." Harry was mentally cursing Zayn for making him lie.

"Well Zayn is a weirdo." Niall laughed. Harry chuckled with him, though he was slightly nervous.

"Yea, well I'll let you get back to your shopping. I'll see you at school okay?" Harry told him. Niall nodded and they went their separate ways, still shopping.

When Harry was done and had everything on his list he made his way back home. He threw the bags down on the kitchen counters and walked up to his room and collapsed on his bed, his thoughts steadily thinking of Zayn.

There was a knock on his door and his mom walked in. She looked at him and smiled.

"Well sweetheart are you going to start packing?" She asked Harry. He nodded and started throwing clothes into a bag.

"Are you okay?" His mother asked.

"Yea," He said, turning to give her a warm smile.

"Do you need a ride?" She asked her son.

"No mom it's okay. I'll text you when I get there okay." Harry said, throwing the bag over his shoulder. He was planning on using this time to think.

She nodded and gave her son a hug. She walked him to the door and watched as he walked off in the direction of Zayn's house.

It wasn't a long walk but it was a dark one. The darkness was not Harry's friend tonight. It was the aide to his enemy.

A hand reached out from the darkness, pulling Harry to its owner. A cloth was held up to his face, covering his mouth and nose. There was a certain minty, herbal smell to it. He knew what it was right away. Chloroform.

Harry's vision started to blur as his consciousness started to slip. There was one thing that he could see before it completely faded. It was the house that Zayn lived in.

-End of Flashback-

Harry groaned in pain at the things cutting into his wrists. Then he heard something else. He quieted down and listened. There was more moans of pain coming from beside him. He wasn't alone in the room.

Harry was blinded by the light as it came on. It took a moment for Harry's eyes to adjust to the light. He looked around and saw the white haired girl who was tied up just like him. Then his eyes went to her wrists and he quickly looked down to his. The pain he felt was caused by barbwire wrapped around them.

Harry was mentally cursing himself. His mom thought he was at Zayn's and Zayn though he was home. Harry realized that he was in a bad situation.

**A/N: So I had a talk with @Bellabomb and learned more about where she wanted this story to go so I made Zayn lie. I must say I'm getting to the end of this story. There's about five more chapters left. Bella has written ten and I'm writing thirteen so twenty three chapters in all. The last five will be eventful so please enjoy**

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