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Harry felt something touching his cheek and opened his eyes to be met with the big green eyes of his adorable kitty staring right at him.

"Good morning." He yawned while scratching his cat behind his ears. The cat purred and that gave Harry a big smile. "Thanks for waking me up, you're like my own little alarm clock!" He joked but the cat just stared at him with a blank expression. "Well then, I'll get up now." He sighed and took his cat off of his stomach.

He got up from his surprisingly warm bed and went to grab some clothes for his first day of school. He had been suspended from his other school by fighting for his friend who had been getting bullied. But he fights for what he loves. His mom had freaked out about it and decided to just send him to another school. So that's how he ended up here.

He put on his clothes, not bothering with a shower. He wore a simple light blue shirt, black skinny jeans and white converse. He always tries his best to look decent. He brushed his teeth and did his usual curl ruffling. He finished getting ready and went downstairs to finds breakfast already on the table with a note to the side.

Harry,I was called in early today to go to work and I'm sorry I can't be there for your first day of school. So I made you some breakfast to make up for it. Have a good day at school!


Harry smiled and sat down to start eating the pancakes that his mom made him. He thought of how this new school might be and if it would be nicer than his last one. The people there were nice but the teachers were absolutely horrible.

He looked over at his cat who was patiently waiting by his food dish that Harry almost forgot about. He got up after finishing his breakfast and put the dishes away and went to feed his cat.

"I'll see you later buddy." He said while stroking his fur and stood up to grab his bag. He took one last look in the hallway mirror and made his way out the door.


When he arrived at the school, he was immediately confused. It was a lot bigger than his other school with a lot more doors and corridors. He had been wandering around aimlessly for about ten minutes when he actually found a door that said 'office'.

He went inside and quickly got his schedule and locker number from a scrawny old man who had informed him that class had started five minutes ago. Great.

He wandered around some more and was about to give up on finding his classroom and go back to the office when he heard a voice behind him.

"Need some help?" He heard a thick Irish voice say and he turned around to see a shorter boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He was wiping his hands on his jeans and Harry guessed that he had come from the bathroom.

"Uh, yeah. Got a bit lost." He said while walking to the boy and handing him the schedule. The boy scanned over it a few times before smiling.

"We have the same class right now and another two after it. Just follow me." He said while handing Harry his schedule and started walking. "I'm Niall, by the way." He smiled while sticking his hand out.

"Harry." He said while shaking Niall's hand. He followed Niall to the classroom and went in after him. Like he had expected, all eyes turned to him but he just walked up to the teacher's desk without looking at the class, trying to act confident.

"You must be the new student I was informed of. Harry right?" She said while standing to greet Harry.

"Yes ma'am." Harry replied trying to sound polite.

"Well I'm Ms.Rivers and if you could just take a seat next to.." She paused and looked around for an empty seat.

"Me!" Harry heard a voice shout in the back of the classroom and he looked back to see a boy with light brown hair and bright blue eyes waving his arm frantically around his head.

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