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Zayn knew he should always wear sunglasses! How could he be so careless! He knew that the school was having electrical problems, so why didn't he think that someone wouldn't shine a flashlight in his freaking face!

Zayn was currently at his desk with a lined piece of paper in front of him, trying to figure out ways to keep Harry from getting suspicious. Zayn knew he had clearly seen his eyes and tried to cover it up with a fake smile. Zayn picked up a blue pen and started writing.

1. Threaten Harry to keep your secret

No..2. Leave the state and never come back

Don't think that would work..

3. Avoid Harry for the rest of your life

That definitely wouldn't work..

4. Make friends with Harry to lower his suspicions

No.. Yes.

That could actually work, Zayn could become friends with Harry to make him not be suspicious by Zayn avoiding him after that incident.

Zayn nodded to himself and threw the paper away. He went downstairs to find Lou and Niall playing on the XBOX and came just in time to see Niall tackle Louis to the ground shouting something about cheating. Zayn just walked past them and got something to drink before sitting at the opposite sofa of them.

"I call next game!" Zayn shouted but his response were two no's so he just sighed and watched the guys kill each other.


Louis and Niall had finished playing video games and now they were all in Zayn's room doing their homework.. not really.

"So.. The new kid.." Louis said awkwardly because they were running out of things to talk about.

"Oh, he's hot!" Niall exclaimed loudly but blushed when they both stared at him at him weirdly. Zayn and Louis were fine with Niall's sexuality but it was still weird to listen to him talk about boys like that. Surprisingly, Zayn was fine with listening to Niall, he even voiced his opinion on guys sometimes. Zayn was a bit confused about that.

"Okay Ni, how about we go eat some food?" Louis suggested awkwardly. That made Niall rush off the bed and run downstairs, yelling that he's going to order a pizza. Zayn followed Louis downstairs but remembered that he was expecting some new pencils and sketchbooks in the mail so he went outside to check his mailbox.

He opened the mailbox and was disappointed to see no packages so he just took out the envelopes. He looked through and just saw bills and advertisements but stopped when he saw a envelope with just his name written on it, no postage or address, so it must have been delivered personally. He frowned in confusion and went back inside, threw the other mail on the counter, and went upstairs, ignoring his friends confused stares.

He sat on his bed and opened up the envelope to reveal a letter written in red pen, it read,


I know you must be very confused right now, but please, listen to this. People have been watching you, getting evidence. They have figured out what you are and are planning to do something about it. You need to watch your back, stay hidden, only go out in public for school. This is not a joke. They are going to try to capture you, Zayn.

You can't let that happen. If anyone tries to take you, kill them with no remorse. Your father trained you for this, make him proud, make me proud. I have to go, they'll be back soon, remember this. I hope this will get delivered. Stay hidden, kitty.

- P

The letter fell to the ground and Zayn stared at his hands in shock but he got up and shut his cutains as fast as possible. They knew? How could they know? He had never shown his tail or ears to anyone. The only time they were visible were at night when he took them out.. Fucking idiot. He always had the fucking curtains open so people could clearly see into his room. Now Zayn was mad at him self for being so careless.

Zayn slowly went back to the letter and reread it, still in disbelief. P? Who is P? Zayn didn't know but he knew he could trust them. Zayn put the letter in a drawer at his desk and went downstairs to find his friends munching on pizza, so he just joined them and was glad when they didn't question him.


After Niall had left, Louis and Zayn went to their rooms. Zayn checked that the curtains were closed before releasing his ears and tail. After he put on his pajamas and laid in bed, an thought came to his mind.

What if it was Harry? He was the only person Zayn knew had seen something different about him and that was making Zayn uneasy. Zayn was beginning to reconsider his idea of getting close to Harry but that could make sure Zayn could keep an eye on him. Decisions, decisions.


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