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**Hehe fight fight fight! action time :)**

Josh looked at Zayn with a mixture of feelings. He was fighting the urge to fight him but he couldn't help it at all.

Josh used his other hand, the one Zayn wasn't holding, and brought it across Zayn's face. Zayn stumbled backwards but kept himself in front of Harry.

Zayn lunged at Josh, pushing him backwards, and raised his hand to slash down at Josh. When he brought his arm down Josh rolled out of the way, a smile was plastered on his face.

"I see someone finally got there claws!" He said, licking his lips.

"Zayn the spot," Harry pointed to Josh's neck.

"I know, his dad's controlling him." Zayn said.

"So we have to get to his dad!" Harry said.

"Well the only person who knows where his dad is right now is him." Zayn said. "Now stay back babe, he's tricky."

Harry nodded and strained with pulling Liam and Perrie back.

"Wonderful, just wonderful. You turned out better than I expected." Josh spoke.

"Do you always make your son speak for you?" Zayn asked.

Josh glared at him. "Well when my son starts to do things for a freaking hybrid I believe it's time for me to step in." Josh growled.

Zayn ran at Josh and tried to punch him. Josh grabbed his fist and twisted his arm causing Zayn to fall to one knee. Josh brought one leg over so Zayn's arm was in between his legs. He was about to twist and break Zayn's arm when Zayn dug his claws in Josh's leg. Josh jumped back causing Zayn to claw down his leg.

"Now you've ripped up my son's leg." Josh said.

"And you put a chip in his neck." Zayn spat.

Josh started to fight with his father's commands. He began slapping his head and started scratching at his neck. He didn't want to harm any of them but he couldn't help it. He felt the ping of electricity and knew he was losing control again.

"Just go!" Josh cried in pain as the chip started to heat up.

"Not until after I kick your ass." Perrie said.

All attention was on her and Liam as they got up and came to Zayn's side. Josh started to smirk at their futile attempt.

"It's your funerals." He said.

Perrie charged first. Now her swings were reckless with fury. She kept slashing inwards from both directions and Josh kept dodging each one. Then he saw a opening and thrust his palm out, hitting Perrie's chin, causing her to stagger backwards.

Liam ran up next. He only had one good hand but he attempted to hit Josh anyways. He was also being hesitant though.

He punched with his right fist as many times as he could. He was hitting Josh but Josh couldn't feel much of the pain. Liam backed up and quickly turned counter clockwise, extending his left elbow and landing a blow against Josh face.

Blood started to drip from Josh's broken nose. He stared at the blood in horror. He's never broken any bones and now the first one he broke was because of Liam. But Josh had anticipated Liam's moves. So he hesitated just enough to let Liam hit him. The only problem was that Liam had missed Josh's neck and had hit him in the face instead.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Liam cried.

Josh punched him in the face. Then he put one hand around his throat while the other grabbed a hold of Liam's shirt and with strength he didn't know he had he managed to toss Liam over his shoulder, slamming him down on his back.

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