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Zayn looked completely distraught at what just happened. He stared at Josh with conflicted emotions. He wanted to attack the man but Harry wouldn't let him.

Harry was crying in a fit of hysteria whole Josh held the man's collar, his fist raised up.

He couldn't control himself as he brought his fist down and struggled the man in his face. He pulled back, confused by the man's smiling face.

"That's it. You have more anger than that worthless excuse for a son." He said, spitting on Josh's body.

"You have some issues my friend." Perrie said.

Zayn head butted the man, knocking him unconscious. He ripped apart the bottom part of his shirt and wrapped it around Josh's chest. He told Liam to apply pressure which he frantically did.

"The cops are here." Perrie said, her white cat ears twitching underneath her hair. "I'll get them."

Perrie walked out and Zayn wrapped his arms around Harry. "I was so scared." Harry said.

Zayn looked down at Harry's wounded wrists and brought them to his lips, kissing the scars.

"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you." Zayn whispered.

"You came to get me. That's all that matters." Harry said, smiling at Zayn.

Zayn kissed the curly haired boy and wrapped him in his arms. They remained in that position until Perrie came back with the cops and paramedics.

"I told you I'm a hybrid." Perrie told one of the cops, her tone was one of annoyance.

"It's just extremely bizarre." A paramedic said. Then he took in his surroundings, seeing the other three hybrids. "Very bizarre."

"Zayn, Harry!" Louis screamed from the door. He ran in but froze when he saw the scene, Niall right beside him.

"Zayn, you have a tail." Louis said aghast. "Oh and so do they!"

"They got ears too." Niall said.

Zayn looked at their shocked faces in despair. He never wanted them to see this part of him. He took a risk at showing Harry and looked what happened to him.

"Harry did you know?" Louis asked.

"Sir, are you conscious?" A paramedic asked Josh. "Are these scales on his body?"

"Be careful please!" Liam cried as they put the groaning Josh on a gerney. "I'm coming with." Liam said.

"Ma'am the bones in his hand are crushed." Zayn told the paramedic, nodding to Liam.

She looked at his bruised left hand and instructed for him to follow her, much to his delight. They seemed unsure how to handle the hybrids so Zayn yelled out, "We're still human." They nodded and kept walking.

"So Zayn how long were you going to keep this secret?" Louis asked. Niall was silently staring at Zayn, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well I wasn't sure how you'd react." Zayn said, feeling slightly guilty.

"Well I would've freaked out of course." Louis said, staring at him. "You're a cat dude. A black cat, that's sooo much bad luck I've been crossing paths with."

Zayn smiled at his best friend's joke. "So you're not mad?"

"Hell yea, you kept a huge secret from me. Of course I'm mad at you. But I forgive you." Louis said, smiling at Zayn.

"Thanks," Zayn said. Harry smiled at Louis and then all attention was on Niall.

"Hey I'm just glad everyone's alright." He said, holding his hands up. Zayn smiled even brighter. Of course Niall wouldn't mind. Why'd he even hide it to begin with.

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