The war begins

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(I do not own the pictures!!!)

Welcome to part 4. Hope you like it.

It all went like slow motion for Arthur. Morganas army attacked. They were many and they were strong, but Camelot had a good stand. Leon and Elyan was down in the gates with hundreds other of Camelots knights fighting the enemy back there. Arthur, Lancelot, Gwaine, Percival and many other knights stood on the walls and fought Morganas soldiers down when they tried to crawl over. It was hard, but they could win. Arthur was tired, but he felt hopeful. They could do this. He hadn't seen Morgana. That he was a little worried about. Arthur looked around on his friends. He gasped in shock when he saw Gwaine laying on the ground. There was blood on the ground around him. "Gwaine" Percival yelled when he saw his best friend.
"Get him to the lazaret" Arthur yelled.
Percival nodded and carefully lifted Gwaine up. He didn't look good, but at least he breathed. Arthur let all his frustration out on the next enemy who tried to force the wall. "We need men down in the west gate" sir Gallion suddenly yelled.
Arthur spun around and took five other knights with him. They ran down at the gate as fast as they could. Arthur just hoped that the few Camelot knights there were left up on the wall could make the stand. When they got down to the gate Arthur understood why they had needed help. On the large bridge stood Morgana and a bunch of soldiers. Arthur ran against them, filled up with rage. Morgana smiled. "Dear brother" she said and lifted her hand so Arthur flied backwards and directly into his own Knights.
Morgana slowly walked against them. Her knights followed close behind. "How have you been"? She asked still with her stupid smile.
Arthur stood up. "It have been great to have been with out you for so long" he said angrily.
She laughed. "I hear that it's not just me that you have lived without. How is Merlin"? She asked teasingly.
All the knights behind Arthur froze. They all knew how Arthur had it with that topic. "What happened with you Morgana" he asked as calm as he could manage.
She looked puzzled at him. "What happened to you Arthur"? She asked.
"What do you mean"? He asked.
"I thought that you would be different. But you are completely like Uther" she answered.
"I'm not" Arthur cried.
He knew he sounded like a kid, but he didn't care. Morgana laughed again. "Oh really. So you don't execute those who use magic"? She asked.
"Not all of them" Arthur answered.
"You are just as blind as your father Arthur Pendragon and that will be your doom. Good bye brother" she said and lifted her hand.
Arthur suddenly couldn't breath. His throat twisted. He sank down on his knees. His knights ran against Morgana, but her soldiers stood up for her. They fought against them, but the time ran out for there king. Arthur's gasped. He desperately needed air. He had both his hands up to his throat like trying to get the thing that strangled him away, but there was nothing. Morgana smiled when Arthur's body went limp and his hands felt down. His eyes slowly closed and his body felt down. "No"! A voice sounded suddenly.
Morgana looked up and immediately took her hand down. Arthur could breath again. He coughed and gasped for air. He looked up to see who had saved him. A man was running against them. He had a black cape on and it covered his face. "Morgana you promised me" the man yelled.
Arthur froze when he recognised the voice. It couldn't be! The man stopped in front of Morgana. "You said that you not was going to hurt him" he said angrily.
Morgana nodded. "Sorry, I got caught up in the moment".
Arthur tried to stand up on shaking legs. "Merlin"? He asked.
The man slowly turned and pulled the cover from his face down. Arthur gasped. It really was Merlin. Pale skin, sharp cheekbones, sea blue eyes and black thick hair. "Hello Arthur" Merlin said.

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