Hate or love?

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(I do not own the pictures!!!) this chapter is a little longer than the others. Have fun. Hope you like it!

"Merlin" mumbled Arthur.
He couldn't really understand. Why was Merlin here? Why was he with Morgana? Arthur just stood and looked at him. The few knight he had brought with him was all dead. There wasn't many of Morganas soldiers left either. "What are you doing" Arthur asked.
He couldn't find anything else to say. He couldn't trace any emotion in Merlin's eyes. Or perhaps... Was there a hint of sadness. "You drove me to it. I had no choice" Merlin said stiff.
If there had been any sadness in his eyes, it was gone now. He just looked angry. Arthur didn't know what to do. "Come on boys" Morgana said.
Arthur had forgotten that she was here. He had forgotten that they were in the middle of war. "Take him" Morgana said. Arthur tried to fight, but the four soldiers could take him. They bound his hands on his back, blinded him and gagged him. "See you later brother" Morgana said.
Then the soldiers went and drew the king with them. Arthur didn't knew where they took him, but he didn't care. Merlin was evil. It couldn't be. But it was just another proof. Magic was evil. But Merlin had only become evil because Arthur had pushed him away right? Suddenly the soldiers threw him on the ground. He landed on hard cold stone floor. He was pretty sure he was in his own dungeon. Just great. He sat himself up against the wall. His thoughts kept wandering to Merlin. Was it his fault that he had become evil? Or maybe he had been all the time. Arthur stood up. He needed to get out. He could hear large magic explosions outside. Camelot wouldn't stand long with two powerful sorcerers attacking it. But when he tried to get up someone pushed him back down. So he wasn't alone like he had thought. Arthur didn't know how long he sat there. He didn't know what to do either. He just sat on the ground. He felt so helpless. He would out and fight. But after a while the explosions and fighting sounds ended. Arthur couldn't take it. He needed to know what happened. Had they won or lost? Was Gwen and his knights okay? He needed to know. Suddenly some strong arms pulled him up. Arthur tried to fight, but it was pointless. He tried to find out where they where going. He knew his own castle pretty good, so he was almost sure that they were on they way to the throne room. After some time he was being thrown back down on the ground, but this time two pair of hands held him down. The blindfold and the gag was being removed. Arthur looked around. He was in the throne room like he had suspected. Around him stood a bunch of Morganas soldiers. Gaius, Gwen, Lancelot and Leon stood over on the other side of the room. They were also been tight up. Gwen and Gaius looked to be alright. They both looked very sad and worried at Arthur, but there were okay. Lancelot and Leon looked cold on the soldiers. Leon had a wound on his head that didn't looked nice. In front of Arthur stood the two big thrones. One the first one sat Morgana and on the other one sat Merlin. Morgana couldn't look more happy, but Merlin just looked a little uncomfortable and he avoided Arthur's look. "What do you think"? Morgana asked.
Arthur ignored he. "What are you doing"? He asked Merlin angrily.
"You are killing your friends" he continued.
Merlin looked at him. Arthur tried to read him. There was definitely sadness in his eyes, but also hate. "You threw me out. You almost sentenced me to death. I protected you in years and then you banish me for something I can't control and only uses for good" Merlin yelled.
It hurt Arthur to see Merlin look so miserable. So sad. "I'm so sorry Merlin. I was stupid, but I have been looking for you. I really have" Arthur said.
He fought back the tears there tried to slip threw. Merlin looked away. "That doesn't matter. You have proved that you will never allow magic" he said.
Arthur didn't know what to say. He wanted his smiling, cheerfully Merlin back. Not this hurt and cold one. "This is not the right way to bring back magic my boy" Gaius said.
He looked so old and sad right now. There was only sadness in Merlin's eyes when he looked at his old guardian. "It's the only way" he said.
Gaius took a steep back and looked down on the ground. One of the soldiers hit him on the head for talking. Gaius gasped and almost stumbled to the ground. "No. Leave him" Merlin yelled.
The soldier bowed and moved away again. Morgana stood up. "Merlin and I have the same interest and look at what we can achieve" she said and looked around in the big room. 
"All you have achieved is death and destructions" Leon yelled.
The guard who held him punched him in the stomach. Leon fell over, gasping for air. Merlin closed his eyes. "That was the prize. Your king could have aloud magic, but he didn't" Morgana said.
She went over to Merlin and took an arm around his waist. He didn't react. "Take them to the cell" she said.
Arthur fought back. He wanted to go to Morgana and punch her hard! But most of all he wanted to be with Merlin. He felt that he should be angry, but he wasn't. He couldn't be angry at Merlin. He wanted to comfort him. He wanted to hold him and say that every thing would be okay. He would even allow that stupid magic if only he could get his Merlin back. The guards drew Arthur out of the throne room. Arthur didn't want to leave. Merlin stood with Morgana. She was hugging him. She was hugging his Merlin!

Thanks for reading. There will soon come another part up!

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