It's obvious

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(I do not own the pictures!!!)
I'm sorry if there is little much talking. I promise that soon there will come some more Mergana and Merthur.

Arthur, Gwen, Gaius, Leon and Lancelot was all thrown in the same cell. Gaius hurried over to Leon to look at his wound. Gwen went over to Arthur. "I'm so sorry" she said and kissed him.
He could see that she had cried. "He have betrayed us" Leon said.
"No, he hasn't" Gwen cried.
"It was me who betrayed him" Arthur said sadly.
He didn't understand his feelings right now. He had forgotten these feelings he had felt when ever he was together with Merlin. He loved Gwen. He really did. Or he had once, but now he wasn't so sure if he still did. She was sweet and lovely, but he wasn't sure that he loved her. He had thought that he did, but today he had realised that what he felt for Gwen wasn't love. What he felt for Merlin was. He didn't like to admit it but he was sure. He loved Merlin. His clumsiness, his eyes, his cheekbones, his humour and most of all his brave side. You could always trust Merlin. He was stupidly loyal, until Arthur betrayed him. Arthur sat down and put his head in his hands. When Gaius was done checking Leon he also sat down and looked helpless. Gwen tried to comfort him. Lancelot sat him self beside Arthur. "What are you thinking" he asked quietly.
"We need to get Camelot back" Arthur answered.
Lancelot looked at him. "What are you thinking about Merlin?" he asked.
Arthur avoided Lancelot's eyes. "I don't know" he said honestly.
Lancelot nodded. "You need to apologise to him" Lancelot said.
Arthur looked up. "I already did" he said.
"You need to give him a reason to believe you" Lancelot said and looked straight into his eyes.
Did Lancelot know about Arthur's feelings? "What reason"? Arthur asked.
He was dry in his mouth. Lancelot sighed. "It's so obvious. You like him and he likes you" he said.
"Sssh" Arthur said desperately.
He didn't wanted the others to hear. He looked around. Gwen and Gaius sat and talked quiet to each other, but Leon was looking at Arthur. Lancelot laughed. "It's no secret. Everybody knows" he said.
Arthur gasped. "What?! But I just realised it my self a moment ago. How can everybody know"? He asked a little panicked.
"As I said: it's obvious"! Lancelot said.
Arthur looked over at Leon who nodded. Arthur sighed. "Does Merlin really like me"? He asked hopefully.
"He did before you banished him. I think he still does, but he's probably denying it himself now" Lancelot said.
Arthur took his head back in his hands. Why was he so damn stupid?
They sat in cell the rest of the day. They didn't do much. They all were in there own thoughts. What could they do? They needed Camelot back, but it didn't look good. In the afternoon Percival and Gwaine was being thrown in to them. Gwaine had a deep wound in his side, but Gaius said that it would heel. "Well, what happened princess"? Gwaine asked. "Morgana have taken over Camelot" Arthur answered.
"Yeah, I have guessed that much" Gwaine said.
"And Merlin helped her" Leon said.
"What"?! Gwaine shouted.
"Is he enchanted"? He asked almost hopefully.
Arthur lifted his head. What if Merlin was enchanted. If it wasn't with his good will all of this. But Gaius shook his head. "He is not enchanted" he said.
"But how can you know"? Gwen asked.
Gaius sighed. "Merlin will do everything to bring back magic and he proved that in his time with you" Gaius nodded to Arthur.
"He behaved like a complete idiot around you so any of you wouldn't suspect him, but when you banished him he needed to find another way" Gaius looked at the others
"and it looks like there is a little more between Morgana and Merlin than just allies" he said.
Arthur looked angry down on the ground. He had never hated his sister more than now. She had taken his kingdom and his Merlin.
When the night came they all went to sleep. They would need all of their energy to get Camlot back.

Thank you so much for all your support! I will update soon I hope.

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